
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wednesday Word Hug:


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to this amazing club. You know you can get through this weekend. Three years ago my H was getting a BJ before our family holiday. It's tough. My older son came home first time since Dday. He was hesitant at first because he didn't know what he was walking into. I'm proud he saw his mom happy, herself and he knows how strong I am to weather betrayal. He takes comfort knowing that his mother will be strong enough by herself for him if any circumstances come to our family that are not positive. That alone makes me feel pretty damn good about myself. This is like a bragging selfie without the picture. It is hard to see how strong you really are with a BJ movie runnng non stop but you really are. Try to see how your children look at you then you know you are enough. Love to all my cyber sisters.

    1. LLP,
      You are amazing. And I don't need to see a selfie of you to know that! Kudos to you for all your incredibly hard work to heal yourself from this and so much pain. Happy Thanksgiving to you, with deep gratitude for all you contribute to this site.

    2. Lynnlesspain
      Your description of your son pinched my heart in such a good way! Just the other day my 30 year old son shared a memory from face book when he was in college where he posted that he felt like when he was in grade school away at camp and he just missed his mom. That was before cellphone for every child and as an adult he sometimes still feels this way! I reminded him that I'm just a phone call away! He called and made my day! Lynnlesspain you are and have been such an inspiration! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  2. Yes!!! Thank you Elle. This really speaks to me as I am trying to accept reality, be grateful and trust the joy will arise. Instead of creating suffering by trying to control or change reality.

    Present over Perfect!!

    Happy Thanksgiving sisters. I am so grateful for all of you and for this space where we can show eachother compassion and courage.
    Much love

  3. Present over perfect ... ah yes perfectiom is overrated ... life lesson i wish we knew sooner but glad we now now then never. Happy Turkey Day Warriors!
