
Thursday, November 23, 2017

You all are my roses


  1. Beautiful! I'm so thankful for you! Happy thanksgiving even if you don't celebrate! You and your blog have been my thanksgiving for a couple of years now! I'm blessed!

  2. Much love to you for all you do.

  3. Thank you for helping me feel the things around the thorns. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. I am so thankful i found this site. Thank you all for allowing me to know thorns do have roses. I have found so much peace inside me since having you all in my life. You have all kept me somewhat sain. I found such great improvement in my healing since this blog. I feel relief when I come on here. I find myself getting upset or feeling down I open this site...

  5. I just wanted you to know how much I love what you feel dedicated to do and how much it means to each of us that finds ourselves here! Holidays are the hardest! Dolly Parton sang hard candy Christmas and I was reminded that this is why...
