
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday Word Hug


  1. I have a question for anyone. Why would the OW try and copy things that I have or have done. This woman had to have the exact cake I made for my h for father's day before the affair started and just recently I noticed that she is driving a car that looks like mine. I don't get why she would do this? I know I'm not over thinking it. It's just too weird.

    1. Hi Anon
      My STBX current whore, according to my kids, has changed her diet to be like ours!!!
      These home wreckers want what we have, and some sick minded ones, keep going further to do weird things like you mentioned. These women are really sick minded people.
      Gabby xo

  2. .....and there are some that change - and for the worse.
    Gabby xo

  3. I'm learning that it's not necessarily people (besides the obvious offenders) who drain me ... it's the things I see and read that do.

    Yesterday I went through and unliked all of those pages that I used to fuel my anger - you know the ones that lamblast cheaters, build up women, and tell us how a relationship is supposed to be. I have 1 of my husband's friends who I need to stop following as well because he's going through this same thing and is posting the things I think but would never post.

    It's sad and amazing at how words can be triggers.

  4. Anonymous
    There’s no rhyme or reason to the crazy ow. My cow wanted my life of being retired and having my h take care of her for the rest of her life...her greatest problem with h didn’t love her but he used her...sad... she even tried communicating that they ‘knew someone would be hurting for a while when the truth comes out’...her attempts to make the affair seem more than it was. Truth is that he chose to cheat, thought I would never find out and therefore not be hurt by his choice..,what a load of bullshit he was telling himself!

  5. I get triggered by those quotes and pictures to Kimberly, so I've done the same thing. And like Theresa's OW, this one wanted everything about my life but she unlike me likes total control and I think that's why she's done the things she has to us. I think Gabby is right too in that they are very sick individuals. This is where I personally feel stuck especially because it took the OW and 2 of her friends to convince my h that I was the bad person and they were all more of what he was missing in his life. It's funny Theresa how you talk about someone was going to get hurt in this. They all laughed at my pain. It was a big joke to them the way I reacted. When things turned around and the truth came out they weren't laughing anymore. Like I said before this is where I'm stuck and can't seem to let it go sometimes. I've been doing some research because I have an urge to write about what happened to us and it seems to be therapeutic. I just hope I'm not hurting myself more.

  6. When she sent her message of ‘someone being hurt for a little while’, she was referring to me and she had no idea at that point in time that she would be the one hurting for the rest of her life. She lost everything...her husband her home and sadly her young teenage son and that’s the point that she no longer had any power over me and all that was left was pity!
