
Monday, October 22, 2018

The Most Baffling Post-Betrayal Question: Why Do I Want Sex with My Unfaithful Husband?

Seriously, right? You've found out your husband cheated on you, maybe once, maybe an ongoing affair, maybe multiple affairs. And sure, you're angry. You could take a sledgehammer to his testicles. You could punch him in his stupid face. You're furious. You're devastated. You're...aroused?
It's called hysterical bonding. Hysterical not in the sense that you'll be clutching your belly, which aches from laughter, but hysterical as in a consequence of hysteria.
Hysterical bonding, otherwise known as "why the hell do I want sex with this idiot of a husband", is one of the weirder responses to infidelity. Not weird as in unusual. Weird as in...unexpected. Even unwanted.
I shocked myself when I responded to my husband returning home upon demand (I had confronted him over the phone and told him he either came home now to find me here or came home later to find me gone) by unzipping his pants.
That was not, let's say, my usual greeting even when I didn't want to drive over him with a cement truck.
But there it was.
Over the following weeks, of which I remember very little except that I ate about 1 1/2 pieces of toast and maybe a bowl of soup, cried despondently through the day, stared a lot at the ceiling at 3 a.m. and tried to present a somewhat sane face to the world lest my children be removed from my care, I also found my libido in overdrive.
My husband was, shall we say, pleasantly surprised. He was also as baffled by this as I was.
In hindsight, it was a valuable reconnection during a time when it was abundantly clear how disconnected we'd been. It felt like a rediscovery. I insisted he look in my eyes when we made love (it was the only way I could stop the mind movies). We talked like new lovers. What did you first notice about me? When did you know you were falling in love with me? What's my best feature? and so on.
And then, after months of daily (sometimes more) sex, hysterical bonding suddenly ended. I felt disoriented. Betrayed by my own body. Him? Seriously? What the hell??
Another woman on another betrayal web site (I wish I could remember which and link to it), wrote about her intention to make love to her husband every single day for a year (I think?). And she'd kept to it, their liaisons varying from quickies to slow and sensuous. For her, it was a way of reconnection but also prioritizing her own pleasure.
Women on this site have also written about how reconnecting sexually with their partner was as much as about valuing their own pleasure as rebooting the marriage.
And that's an important consideration. Betrayal can make us feel powerless. Reclaiming sex with our spouse can be a healthy response to that and a way of focusing on our own sexual pleasure.
But it can also be an unhealthy way of trying to lure a wayward husband back. Sex as manipulation.
What's more, it can be unsafe. If your husband has been having unprotected sex with others, you are potentially exposing yourself to sexually transmitted diseases. Even if he says he's used protected (he's a liar, remember?), get tested yourself and use protection.
Like so much of our response to betrayal, it seems the difference between whether hysterical bonding can be a positive way to reconnect with your husband or an experience of manipulation or humiliation, is to check your motives and your expectations.
If you think frequent sex will keep him faithful, you're fooling yourself.
If you think sex will heal your pain, you're wrong.
If he thinks sex means that you've forgiven him, correct him of that delusion.
But, if you each can look at sex as a teensy tentative step toward reconnection, as a way to give and receive pleasure, and as a healthy escape from almost constant pain in the early days, then have at it, you crazy kids.


  1. I tried it - hysterical bonding, which I didn’t know it had a name at the time. Couldn’t do it much after that. I was disgusted in him, and sex became a major turn off when I knew he was still in contact with his whore, and exchanging porn with his whore- all whilst he promised me they were over and he was “working on us” . Also, he was talking to other women about their sex lives like he was some sexpert.
    I don’t know why, but the disgust of it all has turned me off sex. Uggg. The thought of ever doing it again makes me uncomfortable, that’s probably why I’m not interested in entering into a relationship again. I do not want to offer that part of myself - and it seems to be the be all and end all for guys in a relationship - so why bother.
    The mind movies were horrendous.
    Anyways. I don’t miss the sex. Ex was a selfish shitty boring lover anyway.
    Gabby xo

  2. "If you think frequent sex will keep him faithful, you're fooling yourself."

    No truer statement has ever been made. I think this is one of those facts that stings the most. Because while he was using my body for his enjoyment he was still giving his heart to another.

  3. Beyond hysterical bonding for me the focus was my emotional status/health. I have read up on this a lot and for me I needed to have other aspects in our relationship in order to feel safe and comfortable having sex with my husband. I think it is hard if you have not set boundaries and cannot trust someone to even consider having sex with them. For me it started with the safety of my health. But then it moved quickly to my emotional safety. And I agree having sex is no assurance that things are okay. The only time my husband and I did not have sex was after he "broke up" with the two ow. He did this on his own way before dday. But during the "affair years" there was never a time with no sex. To me everything is connected and intertwined. Nothing in our marriage/relationship is in isolation. On the flip side as recovery has progressed it has brought us closer than ever.

  4. I remember those days! Very confusing for me. It felt empowering to me somehow. It was comforting and confusing at the same time. I've come to look at sex as another form of communication. We both had so much to say that could not be put into words at that time. Sometimes I was emotionally frozen and could not form the words to describe my pain. I assume it was the same for him. Sex was a way of saying things physically. I also remember feeling like I should go ahead and have sex now, because once I leave him (I didn't), no one was ever going to agree to have sex with me again as there was obviously something unlovable about me (I was wrong about that). Looking back, I can't believe I felt safe enough with him to allow it, but I guess the truth us I didn't. Feel safe, that is. But I was also in a frame of mind where I thought safety was over. Forever. That false assumption led me to do whatever the hell I wanted that felt beneficial. I guess that's the empowerment piece? Not sure. I remember consciously deciding to go down that road with him often while I was still emotionally numb. I had the sense that once I processed all this, there was a very real possibility that sex would be ruined for me forever because the thought of him might disgust me. I was trying to sneak up on myself to maintain my good feelings about sex! It worked.

    1. ann - I'm so glad that you've admitted you thought the same thing I did about not having sex if one or the other left. I <3 you for that!

  5. I want to honor that alot of the hysterical bonding drive is primitive and unconscious. My mind and body were not my own for those periods of time. But as the shock and trauma wore off a bit, my brain started registering the profound disrespect and dismissal of me that he easily engaged in. So I said no to sex and touch. And that when his backlash started. That's when I learned my boundaries. And thats when I saw his true colors. So lets not blame ourselves for the things our bodies and minds did to us. We were like riders kicked off a wild horse. The horse took over and it took some time for us to get back on.

    1. Yes!!! I have never felt anything like it before. It most definitely felt instinctual and primal. I felt like I was on some kind of drug. I read people saying ;they tried to HB' but from my experience it wasn't something I had any control over in that respect. I couldn't switch it on and off. I think without the HB I'd have struggled ever to be intimate with him again. Now at 2 years out I wish I had some of that HB confidence because my brain wreaks havoc with my confidence and libido these days and the triggers are endless.

  6. The fact that my h and I enjoyed daily sex before dday and especially after dday was and is still a mystery to me! We’ve always had a very good sex life but mid-life hit him like a ton of bricks. Not a real excuse but what he was telling himself. He felt like a money making and nothing was good in his world so he deserved to find out if this is all there is in life. Most of this his words. That said his real affair was only for about two months and he spent two plus years getting rid of her. Damn I have cut employees and other people out of my world a lot faster. However, I was just as used to sex daily as he was just as a way of distressing the daily stress. After dday I became more selfish and selective about sex. This year we added the stress of my mother and his traveling for work for a week at a time. I think we were pushed to our limits. Now he’s more in the house and working so hard but battling his high blood pressure and daily headache that his dr has been unable to diagnose. I couldn’t do what I do daily without my hospice team. He fills in the gaps of entertaining her while I prepare dinner giving both of us a break from our individual responsibilities. So sometimes, sex just isn’t that important for either of us...but when it is....

  7. This is a great post and it leads me to the term Intimacy Anorexia. I'd never heard of this before my world blew up but now that I've read about it I can clearly see that this has been a pattern in my husband's life since I've known him and he believes it goes back to his childhood. In all honestly, while we had a normal sex life for a couple like us over the years in my opinion, I can definitely look back and understand why I often felt like our relationship was superficial and incomplete but I had no idea how to define that or discuss it with my husband. He has always identified as an "introvert" and "quiet" so it was easy for me to attach those terms to our sexual relationship. We had the HB thing going on for a long time and I think it just slowly turned into the real thing. Our intimate life now far exceeds anything I might have ever hoped for as a younger woman and wife. In our ongoing honest conversations about his past he has always said, "I've never looked for or wanted another relationship. I wasn't sure I could even have a relationship with you." Wow. There is no "relationship" with a prostitute. Just "fuck them and forget them" as he said. My body keeps score and just typing this causes me stress so I will stop now but I do know that sex now is an authentic connection that was always missing between us and that is a step in the right direction. There is a lot written about Intimacy anorexia but this link is pretty darn good.

    1. Beach Girl - interesting - when I read that article I was nodding my head but I had to really stop and think which of us is guilty of the action.

      Since DDay ... I have to say I'm guilty of more of them than not. I'm not sure what that means. Is it a "control" or a "protection" mechanism?

  8. Beach Girl, Thank you for sharing that link. Very helpful and insightful. I felt all of that. I would say much has improved but many of those feelings resurface. I have a feeling that it connects to the fact my husband feels not cheating and doing his best is enough however many of these feelings for me exist in our marriage even not focusing on the betrayal aspect. I printed it out and will be sharing it with him. I am curious what he will think/say...

    1. Hopeful30, I am eager to hear his feedback to you. I actually asked my husband this morning if he had ever heard that term and he replied, "No". I'm hoping he looks it up because I presented it calmly and just said, "I think this was going on for you for decades. I don't think it applies to us now but it is interesting." I'll let you know if he brings it up again.

  9. This is from Steam (whose phone seems to be eating her comments):
    Hysterical Bonding is the exact reason I found this site. I was pissed and disgusted with him for 2-3 days. Could not look him in the eye. Could not be within arm's length of him for fear that I would hit him. By day 4, I was the wildest woman I’d been in years. I was SO confused by the whole thing. Did I want this? Was I turned on? Was I a perv? When I found it had a name I was relieved. This “reclaiming” was so PRIMAL. I wore him out. For six months. Shockingly I had NO reaction like this on D-Day 2.

  10. Hey it's me SS1 posting after learning some new tricks with google and the internet. More on that soon.
    In the meantime, I wanted to share some thoughts on hysterical bonding. Because as crazy as it seems and feels, it is actually your brain and body doing what it is carefully designed to do: alert you to danger and survive.
    Attachment theory and evolutionary biology helps make the urge to bond through sex kind of understandable.
    We grew up, biologically, in groups, where being bonded into and taken care of meant survival and safety, access to food and security. This is particularly so when we bond with those higher up in the food chain than us. Look at our cousins the chimpanzees and bonobos to see this dynamic still in action. When we sense our attachments to group and our primary attachment figures are in danger, when we might be forced out on our own, we lose safety and protection. Our brain goes into survival mode. The repertoire of survival we are familiar with includes fight or flight, but also the less frequently discussed freeze and, you guessed it, f... ahem sex. Sex is very bonding for humans. It is part of how we create and maintain important primary attachments. So, when that important primary attachment is threatened our brain goes to its survival tool box and picks the one most likely to restore the secure bond in this case. Weird right? But when you understand it as one of the things our body does to survive (like adrenaline before a speech - we're not actually going to die, but our brain can't tell the difference), it's easier to accept and give ourselves a break for doing things that we look back on with some raised eyebrows... The hysterical bonding sex is absolutely about reforging a broken bond and can feel and is reclaiming. My 15 cents.

  11. SSI—- whoa!!! And thank you thank you!! This makes HUGE sense to me. Fantastic post.

    This has been such an emotional post since first reading it and actually gave me a lot of anxiety sfterwRds. Because yes i experienced HB on an epic scale.

    I always castigated myself for it too. Why did i act so desperate? Why was i exploiting myself sexually to this person to whom i wanted to smash his face? Your explanation of the HB i experienced has put my mind at ease. It’s so hard to understand that so many of our actions and reactions are biological.

    Ha. Worth way more than 15 cents for me. Thanks SSI for posting this.

    1. TryingHard - I think biological sounds so much better than desperate ... pathetic ... whorish ... all words that I said to myself in the aftermath.

      And besides ... LOL ... if not for HB I wouldn't have my happy lil man. I can't imagine life without him.

  12. Well SS1, thank you for that clear and understandable explanation of HB. Makes perfect sense when you put it that way. I hope somebody pays you the big bucks for that brain of yours!

  13. I literally thought I was going CRAZY!! I am so glad I found that this had a name!! I literally couldn't stop thinking about sex. Then having it with my H 7 days after DDay 2. Of course he is confused as f*ck since I have never been a sexually oriented person. Oh we had sex on a regular basis but that usually felt obligatory. and man can they tell a difference. Biologically it seems I am still sane.. ;)
