
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Where Did Kindness Find You?

In a panic, a few days after D-Day, I reached out to a friend for help indexing the book I was working on and that was due a couple of week's later. I gave her only the sketchiest of details of D-Day and asked if she'd help me. I could barely think, let alone index a 200-page non-fiction book. She stepped up without hesitation.
A few weeks after that, I was at a restaurant meeting a friend for a bite and a drink. I hadn't planned on telling her what I was going through but she kept insisting that something was wrong so I caved. Her eyes filled with tears. And then, with a voice steely with resolve, she told me that, since she worked in the same office as my husband and the OW, she would be my eyes and ears. "I've got your back," she promised.
There were plenty of moments like those. When the people around me stepped up to help me when I needed it most. We sometimes miss them, focussed instead on the wrong done to us, the petty annoyances on top of our pain that make us wonder if the world is conspiring against us.
My eldest, who has an anxiety disorder, attended her orientation a few months ago as a transfer student. New to the school, she was determined to get out and make friends. But despite a big smile and a "hey, I'm S", student after student looked pained and turned away.
She sat down on a bench and fought tears. And then another student, this one part of the school's orientation team, sat down with her and introduced himself. "Why don't you join us?" he said. 
My daughter told me this story last night, two months later. The moment has stayed with her.
And that's what unexpected kindness does. 
I think so often of the secret sister on this site who provided her therapist with a gift card to a running store to be given to a betrayed wife who might benefit from running through her pain. I'm delighted at the upcoming plan of our own huge-hearted LilyLove, to create a support group for betrayed wives in her town, based on the kindness she sees here on this site. 
I smile frequently at the support I see daily on Twitter, where #SickNotWeak followers shore each other up. I make it a habit to "like" the post by the stranger who reminds her followers at the end of each day that it was another 24 hours of sobriety for her. 
Kindness is in the dingy church basement where I work on language skills with newcomers who fled war and oppression and who brought food last week (so much food!) to celebrate the successful surgery of one of our ESL teachers. 
It's there, even in the midst of your darkness.
Look for kindness. Extend kindness. Notice kindness.

I leave you with this excerpt from her poem Kindness by poet Naomi Shihab Nye:

Before you know what kindness really is
you must lose things,
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully saved,
all this must go so you know
how desolate the landscape can be
between the regions of kindness.

Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside,
you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing. 
Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day to gaze at bread,
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
It is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.


  1. If this journey has taught me anything it is to value the kindness in others and to accept the gift of kindness when it is offered.

    1. Silver princess,
      Yes, me too. It's like a candle in a dark, dark night.

  2. I always try to be kind to people and I think that the OW and her friends took my kindness as a weakness. I'm sure they don't feel that way anymore. But this post hit a nerve with me. These women that I was always nice too, thought were my friends and coworkers too turned on me and I was laughed at for the reaction I had when everything became exposed. They gave the OW sympathy cards for destroying my marriage. I remember that a friend of my h's told him not to look back if she was what he really wanted. To this day I refuse to speak to this person. I had a small support group that stood by me and I so appreciate them. With everything that has happened in the last 3 years I still try to show kindness to others.

    1. Sorry I was having a bad day when I posted the above. And that was supposed to be **not destroying my marriage** I was made out to be the really bad person in this mess when all I ever did was show kindness to everyone involved. Including the man that told my husband not to look back. I guess it made them all feel better to say those things about me.

    2. Anonymous,
      Please don't apologize. I can imagine how painful that must have been and I don't doubt that it still feels very raw. But I hope you're able to see that your kindness is incredible power. Something they don't have. Continue to hold your own head high. Some people will never understand the courage it takes to respond to betrayal. But that's okay. You are a warrior.

    3. AMEN! Well said Elle- "Some people will never understand the courage it takes to respond to betrayal."

  3. Great post! In the midst of D-Day and being lied to multiple times, I found kindness ALL around me. As I gathered my tribe, "angels" showed up out of the blue. The most memorable was a banker who helped me set up my own accounts, close joint accounts and transfer huge sums of money. She listened, she showed compassion and gave me VERY sound financial advice as I set up my financial boundaries. Over the course of a few weeks she checked in on me a few times. I feel so grateful and pay it forward every chance I get.

    1. That's really amazing. Makes me wonder if she'd either gone through this herself or been aware of others who had. Or maybe she's just an incredible wise, kind soul who was put in your path when you needed her most.

  4. Kindness is what makes the world go round.. I still get overwhelmed at how kind people can be. Kindness warms my heart.. makes me feel warm and fuzzy.. I’m going to be kind to as many people as possible today : ) .. love you ladies . Elle your top of the list : ) .. happy Friday xx

    1. Love you right back, Sam A. A few days ago I was in a real funk (man, this world right now feels dark) so I went online and began making small donations to charities that are doing really meaningful work. I felt so much better. I recommend it! Even $5 can go a long way and, in my case, it was money well spent because I felt so much better.

    2. What a thoughtful and rewarding thing to do Elle. Plus it made you feel better too.. win win xxx

  5. Thank you for this reminder that kindness was and is around us. I think back to my close friends at work that provided much needed support. I think of my bff who has never once given a snarky bit of advice and would check to make sure I was eating. And so much kindness and gentle advice from the wonderful women here.

    1. Beagle Mom,
      I'm so glad your friends were able to show up for you and just hold you in their hearts. And delighted that you find that same thing here.

  6. Thank you Elle! Also thank you for generously allowing me to use your name, Betrayed Wives Club Houston. I plan on starting our get togethers at my office on Sunday evenings in January. It is going to be a place for women just to talk and support each other. So if you live in Houston or surrounding areas, please email me at and I can give you the address and time.
    What I am so excited about is what happened to me and it is all about kindness. So I was thrilled when I opened the site today. I haven't posted in quite awhile as I have been on a terrific roller coaster ride with my H. We are on top right now so I feel like I can post, plus with what happened to me, I am feeling much better.
    When I first started to go to my individual therapist I begged her for the name of anyone who was going through what I was going through since she had told me that she had recently seen three women besides me whose husbands had visited massage parlors/prostitutes. Unfortunately nothing ever came of my request. However, last week (now a year later) my therapist asked me if I was willing to mentor a woman who was going through infidelity. I said HELL YES! This woman and I missed several phone calls to each other and on the last one where I missed her, I left her a message that I was available for dinner or coffee the next night or coffee the following morning. I let her know I was here for her. We finally connected yesterday morning and she told me she cried when she received my message. She told her daughter here I was a complete stranger who knew exactly what she needed and was willing to give up my time to talk to her. She told me yesterday that she had never felt so alone - that all her friends had deserted her - she is 6 months from Dday. I couldn't imagine that my offer for dinner or coffee could make such a difference to a stranger. But then I could imagine my life at 6 months post Dday and I could imagine. I remembered begging my therapist for someone to talk to. We haven't met in person yet, but we are planning to soon. One of the first things she told me was how she begged her therapist (her therapist partners with mine) for someone to talk to in her same situation. Her therapist asked my therapist and that is how we are now secret sisters. She told me how she wanted to start her own group so no one would have to go through it alone like she has. I told her I was starting one and asked if she would like to help me? She said YES! So then I thought if any of you guys would be interested in mentoring other women maybe you could tell your therapist and they could match you up as mine did. It has already been such a gift for me as you all have. I wish you all a happy weekend!

    1. LilyLove,
      You are such a warm-hearted amazing woman. I hope you know that. I've no doubt that your group will become a safe space for women in your area. And I'm so glad that you and this woman can connect. I think we heal ourselves too when we help others. My guess is that your meeting (like our retreat) will have some tears and some laughter, which is the alchemy of healing, I'm convinced.
      And what a great idea! I hope others who feel ready will extend that offer to their therapists. If I can figure out how, perhaps I'll try and set up some sort of "connection" on this site.

    2. LilyLove - makes me wish I lived in the Houston area. I know I would love to have a group to meet face to face with ... but am not quite in the space or time to actually start one.

      I can't wait to hear the progress of this endeavor!

    3. LilyLove, Amazing! Such great kindness you are showing the world. Keep us updated!

    4. LilyLove, you rock my friend. Like Kimberly says above, I wished I were closer to Houston so I could show up too. Kindness spreads itself like ripples in a pond so go forth and send your ripples out to those who are lost and in need of a friend.

  7. Kindness - I think that my WH and I have both found kindness in the same person. She was the first person I told I was pregnant and then about his infidelity - she's my hairdresser. I had to tell because she was coloring my hair and it could have turned out funky due to the hormones. :) But she also is a close personal friend who has adopted my kids as family as well. She's been in our house. She's been out to dinner with us. She is the ONE person who knows all of it ... and yet ... she doesn't judge me and most importantly she doesn't judge him. I've thanked her repeatedly for this fact.

    And of course - so many betrayed sisters here. Those who remembered details about my story and our lives from post to post ... it's one thing to say I stand with you because "me too" and another to say "I'm invested in you as a person" ...

    1. I'm so glad your friend/hairdresser has been such an advocate for you both in your pain. That's amazing. And glad that this site has helped you too. I say it all the time but I'll say it again: the women here are THE most amazing women!!

  8. For me this site has been the most kind spot I have found. Honestly no matter how I have felt, what I have posted, I always get a kind word, great suggestions etc. Thank you Elle for all the work you have put into this over the years so we all have a spot to land for whatever we need.

    1. It has been such a privilege to have been embraced by the women here. And you, too, always step in with kindness/wisdom for whomever needs it.

  9. I had not encountered kindness because I told no one. But I found this site and posted my story and I believe StillStanding said she wanted to come with me to kick the OW’s ass! (She was my best friend!) Wow how lucky was I to have a friend like that!!! It felt so good to have someone in my corner and to listen to me. The kindness I have found here has been amazing. I love you all and wish happiness and blessings for all of us!

    1. If I ever need someone to kick another's ass, I want StillStanding! in my corner. She's as strong as a marine and has ZERO patience for idiots. ;)

  10. So much kindness from this site. I am forever grateful for everyone who shares their pains and joys and questions. Life was never suppose to be this hard.

  11. When I first read the heading to this post, I was thinking: "kindness found me screwed over, used and unappreciated" (by ex and his parents).
    That was part of my life I can never get back, and it showed me, those closest to you, can be the most unkind.
    Since our 2nd separation where I told family and friends what had really happened, there are many people out there who have showed me kindness and have been here for me.
    Kindness should be infectious, to those with a conscious, anyway - it doesn't cost anything to be kind.
    I am no longer a people pleaser to those who don't deserve my kindness, but I will continue to offer kindness to those who deserve my time and energy. (just judging more carefully this time).
    I agree. Kindness from the women here is testament to the unwavering support we can all offer each other in our darkest moments.
    Gabby xo

    1. Gabby I totally understand. Kindness is a 2 way street. If you ain’t nice to me dont expect anything back.

      I’m stuck at the moment my ex goes through phases of wanting to punish me for not getting back with him. I try to be a friend and be kind but he wants more and when he doesn’t get it he withdraws money or childcare. I’m getting tired of getting my fingers burnt really tired of it. He doesn’t deserve my kindness either he doesn’t realise how much I struggle with my anxieties daily because I must mask them so well especially around him. He will never see me vulnerable again. I’d rather go hungry than ask this man for money. But anyways I guess I was just trying to say I totally get what you were saying. Sorry for going off track on my own stuff .. lots of love xx

    2. Sam A
      No need to be sorry. Your life story is important to me too.
      Sorry to hear your ex is being a selfish irresponsible ass. But as you and I have discovered, our exes are very similar and are really just selfish people. Mine too has got loads of money, but is withholding payment on so many things....except living up the high life with his skank whore. He can find the money to do that. I too am struggling with a bit of anxiety. I'm feeling rather lost and in bit of a funk and just feel I need to get away from people - but can't!!!
      I hope you are ok Sam, and aren't going without meals for you and your kids. That worries me. It's such worrying times and all I can do from here is let you know I love you heaps and I'm thinking of you.
      Gabby xo

    3. Thank you gabby that means a lot. Love you lots too. I always find that life has a way of telling me I’m going to be ok. Yesterday a rainbow appeared whilst I was driving and I always tell my little one that it’s nanny saying hello I’m here for you. Gosh I really miss my mum : (.

      Thankfully me and the kids Will never go hungry Gabby, there are too many people around me who would never let that happen.

      Thank you Gabby .. thinking of you too zx

    4. sam a I'm sorry your ex xis being a controlling twat. Again. I'm sorry that he's not taking care of the situation like a grown up and instead is throwing tantrums like a child who's had his toy taken away. Thinking of you...

  12. One man stands out for me. The morning, decades ago, when I heard her voice in my husband's motel room, I was on auto pilot. I hung the phone up, got ready for work, and met the bus to the train station. The usual bus driver was walking behind me when I froze, unable to connect the dots, not knowing what I should do next. He took me by the elbow and walked me to a bench. He told me he thought I looked pale like "I was fixin to fall out", southern speak for falling on my face. He suggested that perhaps I hadn't had breakfast and got me a coffee. He was the only person in the world, at that moment, who cared about me and showed me kindness. There sat a 40 year old white woman leaning on a 25 year old black man who saved me that morning. I don't know his name nor did he know what his kindness meant to me. I keep him in my prayers daily and I remember what that awful cup of coffee did for that day.
    Carol, the First

    1. Your story gives me goose bumps. I tell my kids every day to be as kind as they can. You never know what it might mean to someone and you probably will never find out. What an amazing young man to be so kind. And also I find that people's character is revealed when no one is looking. It is easy to act a certain way when people are looking or expect it. But he was just a kind soul and looked out for you when you needed it the most. Amazing!

  13. Hi everyone, so many moments of kindness during that difficult time, when I was so desperate to have the chance to save my marriage and my ex was being arrogant and just downright cruel. I had saved a tiny bit to get some artwork framed and preserved. One was a handmade piece that was given as a gift from the crew I trained on a trip to India. Very important to me. I went to the frame shop and got triggered by a nude painting (everything and anything remotely sexual triggered the hell out of me back then). And I was crying and pouring my heart out to a complete stranger, the owner of the frame shop. He was so gentle and understanding. Once I calmed down, he helped me pick out mats and frames etc and I was very careful about budget etc. When I came to pick them up he had done the most amazing job and completely upgraded everything. It was probably triple what I could have afforded. He said "this piece is beautiful and deserves to be treated that way". And only charged me the original quoted price. Message for me about my worth? I think so.
    My MD cried with me when I went to see her for a sleep aid because PTSD sometimes doesn't let you sleep.
    The woman at the mattress store (I was on this nesting mission to get my kids the things they needed before his money went away) told me all about her situation - similar to mine - and said the divorce was the best thing that happened to her and that her ex comes around all the time wanting to get back together and she's a 100% nope and she told me I'd be OK.
    Any my friend who owns a fancy cheese and coffee shop and I'd spend every Friday afternoon there and she'd make us tea and we'd talk and talk and talk.
    My sister who would call me when traveling for work and we'd talk through her entire hours long drives to work locations.
    And the BWC and all the times women here showed up for me, listened to my crazy, my triggers, my pain and helped me realize it wasn't about me at all and that I would be OK.
    Smiles from strangers. Messages from the universe, and learning to be kind to myself. So many things that I would not have seen or experienced without the pain to make it so.

    1. Wow, SS1.
      I'm absolutely LOVING reading the comments here. So many people show up for us when we are at our most vulnerable.

    2. Hi SS1,
      It's so nice to get to know there are so many people show up for you during your difficulties time especially stranger.
      For me, there are friends who turn me down after knowing what i'd gone through. It's so true that "you will see a true color of a friends during your hard time".
      I hope that i will be OK soon. Still fighting through.


  14. I have seen genuine kindness in two of my coworkers. I am on D-Day 3 as of yesterday - finding out one of the 6 affairs my Husband had was in fact very emotional. He was going to move to another country for her but chose me instead (without me knowing) and then proposed to me 5 months later. The emotional affair was in 2014 but the others were for brief moments all sprinkled over the past 5 years. We were 7 months out from D-Days 1 & 2. We were in a good place. and now, this. I am back to ground zero. Even on my darkest of days, i have seen kindness in my coworkers. They check in on me, make sure I'm eating. Encourage me to take time to process. Let me know I am not judged. I don't know what I did to deserve them.

    It has been a long time since I've been on here - I found myself reading the articles less frequently as things were getting better with my husband. I trusted that he had told me everything. I should not have given him that trust back. After discovering archived emails from 2014, I am back to needing to read about others going through the same pain. It is hard, but reading the stories here does help me a lot. Thank you, all.

    1. I've cracked the mystery. I know exactly why those two co-workers are so good to you. Because you deserve it. Because they see your pain and know that you do NOT deserve that and so they try to hold you up when you can't do it yourself. And because they know that, if they were the ones hurting, you would do the same for them.

    2. MGL, The same thing happened to me with my husband. I made it clear after dday 1 to tell me everything. Get it all out there. He said he had done that. I had a nagging feeling things were not adding up. But I could not figure it out. Well 5 months after dday 1 was dday 2. It was much harder on me than dday 1. For me I had not started to trust him or forgive him however I made the decision for a second chance. And it just about killed me, I got so sick after dday 2. I felt more betrayed since it was stated we were going to move forward and work on this together.

      We are 3 1/2 years past dday 1. I have brought this up to my husband. He said that he honestly on dday did not know if he wanted to stay or could stay after what he did. He told me what he felt like was the smallest amount of information yet without all the details. Then over the five months before dday 2 he realized that he did want to stay. My husband left out details of the affairs and minimized the length and depth of them to me on dday 1. I wrote him a letter before dday 2 saying I knew something was off. Our conversations were going no where. I told him how I was starting to feel like before dday 1. Something was off and I could not put my finger on it. I also said to him in the letter " I would rather be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie." He told me that really hit him in the moment. He in his mind thought he was protecting me and I think protecting himself. But without coming clean there was no moving forward for me. There was no major bombshell but it was crushing. It really set us back.

      Now he regrets it all. Of course he wishes he never cheated in the first place and he wishes he was an open book on dday 1. But he has learned that 100% transparency and honesty is the only way even when it is not good new or what someone wants to hear.

      So I just wanted to say I understand the setbacks. It can be crushing and for me rattled me to the core. The good news is we are closer than ever but know that this is a lifelong process. It will always be part of our story and we need to focus on our relationship and make it a priority.
