
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wednesday Word Hug: The Smallest Step


  1. In terms of me starting my own business,
    I feel a bit stuck. I know what I have to do, but even just a tip toe terrifies me. I don’t want to have to deal with another failure.
    Is this the only thing holding me back?
    Gabby xo

    1. I can relate to this so much. I find that in all aspects of my life I am more guarded and cautious now. I also feel less resilient. If something does not work out or go as expected it takes longer for me to bounce back.

      On the other hand since dday I have really embraced and reignited my career. My husband really wanted me to go back to school and join him at his work. However I just had an uneasy feeling about that. Instead I have focused on me. I spent a lot of time basically starting up what I did before we focused on his career. It is going really well and I find it has been good to have something I can focus on that is only for me. Also it has provided me confidence and a feeling of more security for the future. We are still together and I do not anticipate anything happening but it really helps me personally. Go for it!

    2. Gabby
      In 1985, I took that tiny step forward to begin my business and with a leap of faith, I quickly found out that I was born for that purpose! Those were some of the best years of our life! My marriage suffered some during those early months of convincing my h that this was what I was supposed to do but he didn’t like the idea of me being a stay at home mother for 18-21 years either. He also didn’t like the idea that our first child was going to go to a different facility unless I bought that first center! Nothing but good came from that venture! Many children grew up with me and my family with that business! Many of those children are grown up and now having babies! Thanks to Facebook, many of those children have found me and are sharing their family with me! What a blessing to be reminded daily how special and important that work of mine was! For me, it was a passion! I never felt like it was a job or hard work. I was always thankful that God blessed me with a strong will and determination for I can assure you, that if you feel passionate for that business, you will find a way to make it the best business you can! I’ve seen you face so much adversity with your x and yet you come out on top! You go girl!

    3. Gabby, if you want some help, or to just talk through your idea, get a handle on some of the basics of setting up shop, please ask Elle to share my email with you. This is what I do! I'd love to help you feel brave enough to put your toe in the water and support a fellow BWC sister. And it's just a chat. No commitment, obligation or money exchanging hands. I can listen to you and then fill you in on how I got started with my own business and we can brainstorm what might work for you right now. :) xoxo SS1

    4. Thanks SS1
      Really appreciate the support.
      Elle has my email address also. I've got a few things that I have to do in the next couple of weeks, so I'll let you know.
      Gabby xo

  2. There is freedom waiting for you,
    On the breezes of the sky,
    And you ask, "What if I fall?"
    Oh, but my darling,
    What if you fly?
    ~Erin Hanson

    One step, Gabby. Just take one step. There is no "failure". There are lessons to be sure. There are things we would do differently with hindsight. But what, exactly, is "failure" except not trying in the first place?
    One step. And then tomorrow, another. And the day next, another. You're going to fly, Gabby.

  3. Gabby,

    In my area there's the California Capital WBC (Womens Business Center). They offer free classes, seminars, and mentors to help women get started and be successful. Check in your area. Good luck!

    Heart In Flight

  4. Thank you so much for your response Hopeful 30, Theresa, Elle and HeartInFlight. Some things to consider and I just need to get off my butt and start!
    Gabby xo
