
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday Word Hug


  1. I can remember a commercial some years ago about depression and how it hurt. I didn't understand it then. But boy ... do I ever now. I've said there are days that I can literally feel my skin aching.

    Thank you everyone of you for being part of my tribe. I'm not sure I would know what to do with myself without this space.

    1. I remember that feeling. Everything hurt.
      I'm glad you found us, Kimberly.

  2. It's weird having an intense fight or flight reaction but knowing there is NOWHERE you can run to escape the pain. You can't outrun it even though it feels ;like you should be able to.

  3. I’m having to understand that my h finally understands depression from a different source but he now understands how debilitating it is ... hugs to all of us that battle depression our own way!!!

  4. 3 1/2 years post D Day and everywhere still hurts... constantly! When will it stop occupying every thought? I dip in and out of this site as I want to pretend I don’t belong here... but I always end up back here... I hope that doesn’ t sound rude!?
    I feel like I can’t breath sometimes.... I’m exhausted!
    I love reading all your inspiring comments tho.. it does make me feel less lonely as at this stage my family and friends presume I’m “over” it and have forgotten all the pain and saddens so I never mention it to anyone.
