
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Rx for When You Can't Sleep

A few days ago on Twitter, someone asked for help with insomnia. For so many of us, sleep is elusive in the days/weeks/months following discovery of our partner's betrayal. I spent my days longing for the heavy blanket of sleep only to find myself in bed, feeling alone and desperate and wide awake, longing for the night to be over. I tried a few things – melatonin and an anti-nausea medication with drowsiness as its side effect. Sometimes they worked, sometimes they didn't. For some people melatonin has nasty side effects. Increasingly, I've been hearing that CBD oil is effective though I haven't tried it.
But Samuel, who tweets as @infidelityscars responded to the tweeter's plea for help getting sleep with an intriguing offer to share what he and his wife, a dietician, have relied on to treat their own insomnia. And so I invited him to give up his sleep-inducing secrets. (Before we proceed, however, a caveat: Before you take any over-the-counter medication, please make sure it's appropriate and safe for you, that it doesn't interact with any other medication -- prescription or otherwise -- that you're taking. Use only as directed. This post is not meant to replace a medical opinion.)

My name is Samuel and I help those in crisis due to infidelity. On August 26, 2005 I walked in the door of our California home and disclosed to my wife of 10 years, Samantha, that I had been unfaithful. I had been having a two-year affair with my assistant, who happened to also be one of Samantha’s closest and most trusted friends.  
Enter insomnia. (Ed. note: I suspect more than insomnia entered at this point but for the purposes of this article, we'll stick with that.)
We tried everything. Before too long, Samantha's reliance on Ambien was such that she could not sleep without it. However, she paid the price the next day. Grogginess, no strength or energy, hopeless, discouraged. 
Repair work was tough enough, but to try and heal while exhausted and barely sleeping at night added to the torture. There’s a reason our Navy Seals are trained to battle sleeplessness and still perform at an elite level. While not a Navy Seal, Samantha is no less a warrior for the agony and trauma she has been able to overcome. 
Samantha is a dietician and has found three remedies that have been life-changing for her and many of her clients and friends. Here are three different remedies that are also over the counter, homeopathic remedies that we recommend to clients and friends.  
1.  Theanine Serene with Relora by Source Naturals. This is an exceptional product that for Samantha and me leaves no grogginess the next day but provides a stable support for sleep. Can be combined with the product below:
2.  Adrenal Health, Nightly Restore by Gaia Herbs. Another exceptional resource for stable sleep. Can be combined with the Theanine above. I take one of the Theanine and one of the Adrenal Health and sleep like a champ (and I drink way too much coffee every day). 
3.   Kavinace Ultra PM by NeuroScience. Will leave a bit of grogginess for some the next day as it is very powerful. Probably not wise to combine this product with any of the above products.

To healing and recovery,
(I speak to and coach those who are attempting to heal from infidelity and sexual addiction. Samantha and I have been married for 23 years, and have been actively engaged in repair work for more than 14 years. I work with and support those who are healing from infidelity.) 



  1. My youngest daughter uses the CBD oil to control her anxiety because she started hallucinating on Citalipram as did her father who was on it when this shit of infidelity happened. It helps her sleep better and she doesn't have the horrible side effects. It is about $50 for 2 oz.

  2. ambien is awful. My doc prescribed it post dday when I could not sleep. It was like taking a fifth of vodka, but skipping the fun part and going straight to blackout. And then as it wore off, usually around 3 a.m., I'd rise up out of the drug induced stupor and come all the way awake. And then not get back to sleep again.
    I could feel why someone with anxiety etc would get hooked on it. Those few minutes before you blacked out were a relief to the anxiety. i only used it twice before stuffing it in a drawer, where my then h helped himself to it constantly without asking.
