
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Guest Post: Choose Love

The last 8 months have been surreal. 
I felt like I was out of my body. I lost myself and felt like I was broken in a million pieces, like my soul was wandering...lost and beyond retrieval. I realized I had two choices: to live in fear, doubt and hate, or to choose love. I choose love and am trying to live moment by moment choosing love. 
What does it mean to choose love? When I want to scream at my husband for what he did, I think to myself, what will be the consequences? Will anything good come out of this? It is just more harmful, to me and to him. We have suffered enough. So I choose love. 
I am learning to be conscious. Hate in my heart is not going to solve anything. Love squashes all the feelings of revenge, of anger, of hate. I try to choose love every moment because I know if I don't we will just keep living in hell. My husband is also broken from what he did. He has quit his job and we have moved across the country. He is truly remorseful, understands why he did what he did, doesn't blame me. 
We both hit rock bottom. There came a point where he had done everything he could possibly do and I realized that now it was up to me. Up to me to stop punishing him and ultimately myself. It was up to me to love myself and allow him to love me too. It is a lot to ask someone to keep loving you when you keep hating them. It is a lot to ask someone to love you when you are hating yourself. 
We can hate what they did but if we truly want to spend the rest of our lives with them, we have to love them and make our way back to them (after we make our way back to ourselves). Even as I say it, I feel some resistance, the temptation of my grievances...but that's just the way it has to be. For me at least. Otherwise what’s the point? 
I feel that if I truly love him like I say and believe I do then I should act like it. I take no responsibility for his affair but I have to take responsibility for how I am reacting to it. I can still feel angry, still feel hurt, still feel all those things but nonetheless respond from a place of love. Otherwise I will truly die, spiritually, emotionally, and ultimately physically. 
It has felt like a painful slow death up until this point. I refuse to continue on that path. Life is too beautiful and the love we share too precious to throw away. 
Going forward I am sure I will falter but at least I have something to come back to over and over again, and that is me, the love I have found for myself. 
I closed myself off from love out of fear, but I feel it flowing again. It is what makes us who we are. Love. We can't deny ourselves the love we deserve. How can we truly love another if we don't love ourselves first? When we don't love ourselves we look elsewhere and do all kinds of other crazy shit. We just need to look within. All the answers are there. 
I am learning some much needed lessons through this and I know I will never be the same again...and I am glad for it because I am stronger, wiser and fearless. If I make it though this, I can make it through anything! I learned my worth, I own my worth. That's what I am getting from all of this mess. I keep asking myself, what are the lessons i need to learn here? Who am I in all of this? I am a strong proud brave and courageous and forgiving woman who is full of love and worthy of love, that's who I am. 


  1. "How can we truly love another if we don't love ourselves first? When we don't love ourselves we look elsewhere and do all kinds of other crazy shit."

    I remember lamenting on this page about how I felt stupid for not leaving. How I should have left so that my WS could have chosen me. He didn't "choose" me. He chose himself over and over again until she ultimately cut things off. Even then he continued to choose himself and her until she had an attorney send him a leave me the fuck alone letter.

    Elle made a comment - about how even if I had and he had fought for me she doubted I would have deemed myself worthy. I remember thinking Elle was nuts! Of course I would have found myself worthy!

    That was more than a year ago. And you know what Elle. You're not nuts. In fact, you and the other betrayed wives have been my saving grace.

    I'm learning that it wouldn't have mattered what he did - stay, go, what he did ... - I'm still battling the whole "am I enough" demons. And the "am I enough" demons are so strong because I have failed time and time again to love ME!

    And man ... the crazy shit that's made me do.

    A work in progress. That's me. One day I'll be able to confidently say I am strong proud brave and courageous ... and who knows ... maybe I'll be a forgiving woman ... but even if not, I want more than anything to be the woman who believes she is worthy of love.


  2. Kimberly
    It’s taken me a while to understand that I am good enough and occasionally I still struggle but I’m stronger than I thought I was and I have survived so far by finding something to be happy with each and every day! I’m an avid gardener and when I need to get my frustrations out the first thing I grab is my pick axe and start killing me some weeds! I literally killed the ow those first few years with my weeds being her face...she’s no longer a threat to our marriage and the remainder of our marriage is ours to decide and I also choose love! I love myself and I love others! The ow...I don’t think she will ever need me to love her so she is a nobody now...

  3. What an amazing post. I could have written this, moving across the country to start over. Trying to find love in everything we do. I've talked about spiritual awakening on here before and this is exactly what I was trying to get across. I think we have all felt the lost feeling, sometimes like you are looking at your life from outside your body. It's frightening to experience. Learning to live in the moment and knowing that the past doesn't exist anymore was hard to hear. My h, I know suffered so much knowing the pain he has caused me and he works very hard every day to show me that he loves me. Hitting rock bottom for both of us was what made us work hard to keep each other and our marriage. There are days I have issues with loving myself. On those days I listen to guided meditations while falling asleep and they help me so that the next day is a fresh start.

    A lot what I have thrown at m h only hurt him more. I've learned to realize that I make mistakes and bad choices too because I'm not perfect but he still loves me and I am worthy of that love.

  4. Beautiful Guest post!...thank you!
    Spot on....I like to think I choose LOVE, but it was a struggle and along the way I did all kinds of crazy shit!
    Thanks again for putting words to all my feelings, thoughts and experiences.

  5. Guest Post: you are an incredible woman! The fact that you have come this far in only 8 months is inspiring! I sent your post to my H. Your post hit home with me. I haven't been choosing love. I have been choosing hate and anger instead. I am going to work on choosing love. My husband agreed to choose love as well instead of shame and defensiveness. I'm praying you just made a big change in my marriage. I know Elle has been trying to get this concept through to us but somehow I couldn't grasp it or maybe I wasn't ready to until now. Your words "choose love" resonates with me. I get that.
    On another note, I watched a podcast last night on a woman who survived child sexual abuse. She ended up being an Olympian swimmer and said that it took a huge team of people to help her become an Olympian. She mentioned not only her parents, but trainers and nutritionists and coaches, etc. So her point was, if it took a team to make her an Olympian, why wouldn't it take a team to help her heal from sexual abuse?
    So why wouldn't it take a team to help us heal from infidelity? For those of us who can't tell or won't tell this blog serves as our village, our team that helps us heal. Thanks to everyone who posts! Thank you Beach Girl and Steam who are on my email team! Thanks to Elle for this incredible site! Thanks to all the brave women who show up to my support group every Sunday night. I could not survive without my team.

  6. Thank you for this today. Tomorrow is my 6 months since discovery day and I am still struggling. However I have come along way and I am still in this marriage despite years of infidelity. Shame for staying 6 months after all the deceit is trying and constantly on my mind. How can I continue to love and trust...Your post today helped in so many ways. Thank you as I am new to this blog but every day I look forward to reading the blog to help me make it another 24 hours more.

  7. What a fantastic post, thank you. I've been working through a programme to help us deal with trauma and we were to look at the shame, guilt and regret in ourselves and the things we keep telling ourselves. Not only did my husband twist me into something I wasn't, I also did not value myself, berating myself for my depression or mood swings, feeling guilty but not taking steps to work on it and not forgiving myself or going easy on myself for reasonable reactions to difficult events. After undergoing several years of awful events alongside the betrayal I still berate myself for when I crack, considering all that went on its incredible I'm doing so well. I have a way to go in loving myself and in getting past the pain to love my husband again.

  8. Perfectly and beautifully written. This is one I will keep and re-read. Thank you guest poster :)
