
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thursday Thought


  1. now is hard right at the moment...just found out my husband has been sexting and sharing images with 5 different women.

    1. So sorry, we are here for you. We all have experienced some version of betrayal. It is a pain like nothing else I have ever felt. I am 4 1/2 years past dday. Never thought I would make it. Thinking of you!!

    2. Unknown, I'm so sorry you're going through this. This website of Elle's is incredible, as is her book, and I hope you find useful information and comfort here.

  2. Unknown
    Betrayal is such a hard pain to move through! I’m so sorry you had to join the club. We know that pain and we’re all in different stages of healing. Just know that you are not alone and this is a large group of strong women who do not judge you for staying with the cheater or if you kick him to the curb! Sending you hugs!

  3. I also just found out my husband cheated, it's been the toughest 4 days of my life and it's just the beginning. Prayers to anybody feeling this pain.

    1. I'm so so sorry for what you're going through. Please know you're among those who get it, who know how excruciating it is. Please also know that you will get through this. You are not alone. There is nothing wrong with you that he cheated (there is, however, something wrong with him). You are stronger than you know. Please feel free to share your story. You will find an incredibly compassionate and wise circle here.
