
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Thursday's Thought



  1. Hi new to this site...
    I am so relieved to have found other women that can understand my pain. Not that I wish it on anyone! But I have felt so alone and empty since I found out Xmas eve 2019 that my husband of 10 years had an affair with his ex. Who contacted me to inform me about their affair because he ended it. She enjoyed sending me every message they exchanged. Lied about their affair too.
    Its been 9 months of a total rollercoaster of emotions. I initially asked him to leave and wanted out of our marriage. We have 2 young sons and I do love my husband. I decided to give him a chance as he begged for forgiveness. He has answered every question of mine-many many times. And has shown remorse. He admits fault. Hes not the most open and loving man and struggles with showing affection. Hes trying but gets frustrated with my emotional needs. He was the one to admit having sex with the OW as he said he wanted it all out in the open. The OW initially denied being intimate, claimed she was decent. Admitted she has hated me for years and stalked me on facebook. I didnt even know she existed! She also admitted it was my husband that ended it. She soon changed her mind and got nasty and has told me they not only slept together but states it all started years ago. My husband admits to being in touch years ago but only admits and is adamant he only got intimate in 2019. He is deeply sorry and says he didn't search for an affair. It was more that she listened to him. And they both lost their fathers at the same time. Our marriage had issues, we didn't communicate or was as Intimate as we Should have been. I moved from my own city and family and myife to be with him after marrying, we had a premature son and he had a father with dementia. It was alot for us as a young married couple. We drifted and I take responsibility for our marital issues too. But I will never take blame for his affair. I felt alone too but I didnt choose to stray. Im now finding hes getting frustrated because its 9 months on and I'm still struggling to believe his version of events because the OW took pleasure in twisting her side to it all. Who do I believe? My husband has lied but this woman wanted my husband for years and hated on me for having the man she wanted to marry. I struggle with my over active mind and thoughts every day . Im almost hoping I will wake one day and the thoughts be gone. I want to move forward and forgive and I almost think I've pushed myself to quickly.Thank you all for simply allowing me to express the above xx

    1. wow. I feel your pain and anguish. I just came across this site and your story was the first one I read and it resonates to me so much. Just yesterday I found messages of my husband and another woman. sexual ones including pictures. I have not ate for the last two days and feel like a zombie. I am sending you a huge hug.

    2. Hi there, (A womans world)..
      I can totally understand what you're going through. Please try and eat little and often. You need strength to get thought this. Sending big hugs to you. 9 months on im struggling but feel less weak. No ones situation is the same. But my genuine advice is to try and talk. Remain calm and get the answers you need. Please breath and look after yourself. This is the hardest thing a woman goes through. Its pain, grief and so many more emotions in one. Be strong lovely lady x

    3. To both of our newcomers, welcome. You are among women who know your pain and can offer support and compassion as you heal from this.
      There comes a point when we know all we need to know. He cheated. He lied. The details become inconsequential. As long as he is continuing to learn why he made such a painful stupid choice, and we can see that change, then, as best you can, let the details dissolve into the past.
      A Woman's World, right now you need triage. You need radical self-care. Try to eat what you can, try and sleep as best you can. And know this: You will get through this. You did NOTHING to deserve this. It's a long road toward healing and, right now, focus on just keeping yourself as well as you can.

  2. I don't know what to do. Mine had an emotional affair. Or only emotional when our 1st born was born. I caught him by sending the girl a text of how are you doing. And she replied I think I have something to tell you. I'm in love with you. He begged. Through the yrs I've looked here and there. Recently I've looked in his google maps and found some discrepancies. Which he said he went out to eat with the boys etc. I'm extremely wary of when his work changes his schedule. But now we have a total of 6 kids. 3 are biological and 3 are guardianship of the last 3 yrs. I honestly just don't trust him. But I'm terrified of leaving. I've been a stay at home mom. I don't have a college degree. I just don't think I'll make it without him. Some part of me loves him. But I'd say it's fading away. I don't want to be in love with him again.

    1. I'm so sorry. I would start by creating your exit plan. You don't have to act on it but it's important that you have a clear picture of what your life would look like should you choose to leave (or if he were to leave you). Speak with a lawyer, get a clear picture of your financial situation, and understand your rights.
      Then, I would insist on full disclosure. Act for complete transparency, which means access to his e-mails, phone records, etc. If he has nothing to hide, this shouldn't be a problem. This is how we rebuild trust once it's been broken -- by him showing you, repeatedly, that he is being honest and reliable. Of course, if he's not being honest and reliable, you need to know.
      I would also urge you to consider what you want/need in order to feel fulfilled in your life. You mention you don't have a college degree. Do you want one? Or would you like to get a part-time job? You don't have to, of course. Six kids is hard work. But perhaps you need some time away? Up to you. But worth thinking about.
      And good luck, Unknown. Keep posting here. YOu'll find a ton of support.

  3. I can relate to this a lot right now. I'm about 6 weeks past the first D-Day and unfortunately there has been a lot that has come out over time. Little by little. My husband and I have been together 8.5 years, and I've come to realize that our relationship has been very different than that I thought. He purposefully kept information from me, and it's been beyond hurtful. This site has helped me put how I feel into words, and has kept me going when I didn't think I would be able to. In the end, I know I have the courage to continue, whether our relationship continues or not.

    1. Danielle,
      I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Six weeks in and I was an absolute mess (six MONTHS in, I was an absolute mess). Be gentle with yourself. Yes, you do have more courage than you know. You are stronger than you know. And you will absolutely get through this. Stay focused on who you are and what you need. Take care of yourself. Rest when you need to. You don't need to "know" what you want to do right now. Take it moment by moment, day by day.

  4. Our story’s sound so similar, except I have 2 girls. I’m about 9 months into finding out about the affair that also went on for almost a year behind my back. I took him back and I feel like he did show remorse in the beginning and was willing to reassure me but as time has gone on I find myself not wanting to bring it up just so I can spare his feelings and not get the eye rolls like are you still going on about it. It’s soooo difficult and it’s a huge strain on me, I no I wanted to take him back but now I am feeling like I am having second thoughts it’s not fair to do this to him, I’ve asked him to leave and go stay elsewhere while I sort myself out and I can truly say I feel free when he’s not here I haven’t thought of the affair or anything, he’s begging me to do therapy but I just don’t no if that will fix things now, I’m more upset the fact that one if the conditions was therapy and up until 3 days ago he was fine to do it until now he’s saying I don’t want to, so it’s takem me to tell him I want to leave in order for him to say ok Wel do therapy I feel very let down and un supported

    1. Bingo,
      I think therapy needs to be a condition of reconciliation. And watch what you're doing to yourself: the "wanting to spare his feelings" and "it's not fair to do this to him", etc. It is NOT your job to take care of his feelings, it is your job to take care of and respect your own. He isn't honouring his promise (after violating his VOWS). So of course, your feelings would change. Of course, you would reconsider your earlier decision. Please...go to therapy. By yourself, if necessary. I want you to have the support your need to get through this, as well as an objective person to guide you through this.

  5. I recently found out my husband went to escort service couple times. I had vagina infection and found out.. he told me a detailed information and very sorry for what he did but I cannot trust him, we are both in counseling and he is willing to do anything to fix our marriage but I am so angry, no trust and I don’t know how to let him fix this..

    1. You say you "recently" found out, which means you are likely still somewhat in shock. You do NOT need to make any decisions until you're ready. This is a lot to digest and it will take time. Your emotions will be all over the map. He needs to understand that you have a lot of anger and pain that he has caused. Of course, you don't trust him. He has shown himself untrustworthy. But, with time, he can show you that he has changed, and you can decide whether you want to giove him a second chance or not. You are not obliged to. It is your choice.

  6. I came across this site today and my anxiety is on high. I have known my boyfriend for 3 years. We have been officially dating a little over 1 year. He is nice and has many good qualities. We are both divorced and he has kids and I have one daughter who is almost 19. He lives out of state from me (we met when I lived closer to his town) I moved to 500 miles away and we started dating. Some would say that is a red flag, he didn't want me til he thought he really could not have me. It could also be said you don't realize what someone means to you until you almost lose them. We had been dating about 9 months by seeing each other 1-2 times a month) when I found out he was texting his ex wife (who is married) things that were out of bounds of ok and not about co parenting. Some were sentimental and some were flirtatious. She also allowed it or just tried to change the subject. Not once did she say "you should not say stuff like that to me". Anyway, I confronted him and didn't speak to him for a week. I told him we couldn't work it out and he told me he wanted to fix it and he would do anything. I told him he needed counseling because it was going on when we were happy. We were in the honeymoon phase. That he sabotaged it for some reason. He, like many men, dragged out going to counseling. He went to an initial session and said he couldn't afford the out of pocket cost. He has basically found a reason to not go every time I have brought it up. Out side of that, we have had several hard conversations and slowly have been healing. While he didn't physically cheat, he did hurt me, it was a wrong, and it created doubt. He has improved in other aspects of our relationships in many ways. He then asked me to marry him this past weekend which was my long term goal for us and now I am completely freaking out. 1. I am scared about marriage at all after my divorce. 2. I am scared to find out he is still doing what he did before. But, I am not ready to give up on us. I am also scared because some of my friends (Too many) know what happened (my fault) and I don't want to be judged. I should be ecstatic but right now, I am full of anxiety. Has anyone got past anything like this"?
    Internal Chaos

    1. Internal Chaos, If you've read further on this site, you will have seen that many many people get past this. But you will also have noticed that the one thing those of us who've got past this is that our partners have been 100% committed to doing the hard work of figuring out why they risked what mattered (us, their marriages) for something that didn't (the affair partner). While I know your boyfriend didn't have a physical affair, emotional affairs can be just as devastating. It's less about what happened specifically and more about the lying and the deception. And, as you've noticed, the resultant loss of trust.
      Please do not marry this man until he shows you (not just tells you but SHOWS you) that he is willing do prioritize YOUR comfort over his. That he is willing to examine his actions and learn from them. Otherwise, I predict that you are in for more pain.
      As for your friends, if you are confident in your choice with this guy, their opinions won't matter. They will see, too, that he's worked to earn back your trust. Your anxiety (and lack of ecstasy)is giving you important information right now. It is telling you that this man, right now, without doing the work and instead making up excuses for why he can't do the work (ie. therapy), is a risk. He is not the man for you, right now. You are giving him the chance to become that man. If he chooses not to take that gift, then it's his loss, not yours.

  7. My boyfriend and I met at work. He was married and I was married. I was unhappy in my marriage due to my spouse having an illness and he had become bitter and mean to me. My boyfriend said that his wife manipulated him and used sex to get what she wanted from him. Long story short we had an affair and got caught. We divorced our spouses and after a brief time of living alone he asked me to move in with him. He said that we were in a monogamous relationship and that we would grow old together. My boyfriend had told me stories of the women he had relationships with while he was married. Every where he moved he found one or two. He traveled a lot as well and at every town he went to he would get on the sex sites and have someone waiting for him in that town. Fast forward to 2020, 10 years later we are still together and then someone starts to send me pics and texts of him and the OW together. The day it started whoever was sending me the pics was sending me real time texts of when I text him about the woman he would text her and say someone ratted on them and that he would work things out. He denies it. I show the texts to him. He denies it and says that they are only friends. I AM HEARTBROKEN! He hasn't said sorry, he refuses to go to counseling, he has a melt down when I mention it. When we have discussed breaking up he says we can go our separate ways quietly. He also still keeps in touch with her. The crazy thing is I know this man. He is a cheater. In the back of my mind I knew he was running around, it just wasn't thrown in my face. I guess that's karma huh? For the 10 years we have been together I have not stepped out once. I never had to. He truly provided me with what I needed in a relationship up until about the last 2 years. He was slippin, but I just chucked it up to us getting older. Not going out with me, sex had slowed down. Now I know that is about the time he became involved with the OW. He has always maintained relationships with his past mistresses. They speak or text all of the time. He even keeps in touch with the current OW telling her that he misses her and that he loves her. He tells is not leaving me and he doesn't want me to leave. I am his priority and he is discussing us moving to another state (I am not crazy he will just find more women where ever we move.) Now he says he does not intend to do it again but can not say it wont happen again. He is not in a monogamous relationship. He is affectionate and very attentive. Like he was when were first got into the relationship. When we were in "the life" he would do something that he called damage control and so I just chalk his behavior up to that is what he is doing with me. I am pretty sure that if we had not been in quarantine he would still be going to see the OW. He swears they are friends. But I have seen the texts. I have an exit plan, but I also know what is out there. I am comfortable and when its good its good. We have no children. No real responsibilities. We both have very good jobs. I really am struggling. I really do not know what to do. Everyday I either wake up crying or at some point in the day I am crying. I hope at some point I can have peace. Whatever I decide. Sorry for being all over the place.
