
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Thursday's Thought



  1. Wondering if anyone might chime in with suggestions on how best to treat insomnia as a result of betrayal trauma. Books, therapists, websites, ANYTHING. I'm wondering if I need to re-read Body Keeps the Score. I'm meeting w an individual counselor, a marriage therapist, and two medical doctors. My sleep is becoming more disrupted. I've been taking ativan for almost two years now. The marriage therapist tells me to make sure and walk 15,000 steps a day and "not eat any carbs"...okay. One doc wants me to try EMDR again and "let go this time"...okay. He also prescribed another sleep med which I would rather not take. The other doc wants me to wean off ativan. I don't feel like any of them really get my desperation, or have solid ideas on how I might recover my sleep. Being betrayed by husband and a friend were bad. Badbadbad. Everyone here knows that. My family's community almost completely disappearing has been almost as awful. But now...the's no exaggeration to say I feel desperate. I know it's connected to the trauma/grief. Would welcome any and all suggestions.

    1. Jana,
      I'm so sorry. Insomnia is horrible. Are you having trouble falling asleep or trouble staying asleep?
      I'm with your docs on upping your exercise (though not right before bed) and trying to wean off ativan (which clearly isn't working to help you sleep anyway). I sometimes use CBD oil to sleep (thanks menopause!!). Is your head full of thoughts? Is it hormonal? Have you had blood work done?
      If you're sure it's trauma/grief, then...would you try EMDR again? I found it so helpful. Journalling to get all that stuff out of your head and onto the page? I dunno... Help everyone??

  2. Hi Jana,

    I suffered from insomnia too and find listening to sleep hypnosis on Youtube helped me. I found Michael Sealy to be the most comforting to listen to. He also has some for anxiety and stress relief. I used to walk my dog a couple of times a day to help with the stress. After my husband's affair we sold our house and moved across country to be closer to his family. I kind of got through this myself because I really had nobody to talk to. I would also read this blog. Some things helped and some didn't and made me feel worse. His family was angry at him for what he did and tried to comfort me. But that was really awkward. I just happen to find these recordings on Youtube and they really helped me. I still have issues sleeping so I continue to listen to him and just music to help you sleep. I also take melatonin at times to help me fall asleep when nothing else works. I hope this helps you and find comfort and sleep.
