
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Here's What Will Happen When She Finds Out You Cheated

I am away so I'm reposting some of my most popular posts. This originally appeared in March 2020:

If you've thought at all about how your cheating is affecting her, you likely 
imagine just how angry she'll be.

And yes, she probably will be angry. She might throw you out of the house. She might empty your closets and toss your clothes on the front yard. She might call up your mother and let her know just what a scumbag she raised. That's probably what you're picturing, right? If you're picturing anything at all. If you've considered that you might get caught.
But you know what's also possible? What's likely? 
That her face will register utter bewilderment that the person she trusted with her heart has broken it. You might not be there to see it. She might discover your betrayal by stumbling over a message or a photo on your phone. Or she might get a phone call from someone who starts the conversation with "I don't know how to tell you this but there's something you should know..."
But then she'll ask you. Is this true? And if you man up and tell her the truth, you'll see it: bewilderment. Shock. And then a shattering
But that's just the beginning. This isn't a storm cloud that blocks the sun for a day, or two, or three. This is an entire climate shift, a new reality, that will change everything for weeks and months and, yes, even years. 
In the days following her discovery of your betrayal, she will cry a million tears. Just when you – and she – think there couldn't possibly be any more tears, they will fall.
They will fall when you try and hug her. They will fall if you refuse to hug her. She will fight them when she's tucking your kids into bed but they will come later. When she's still awake at 3 a.m., they will roll down the sides of her face and soak into the pillow. She will be wondering how she could have missed this, how you could have lied to her face. She will be rethinking every choice she made related to you, starting at the very first meeting. She will wish she'd never met you, never said 'yes', never said 'I do.'
She will be imagining what you did with the Other Woman. It won't matter that it wasn't like that at all. You've told her that. It was nothing, you've told her. It didn't mean anything. But she will still picture you two, like porn stars, doing things she can barely imagine. She will imagine you two laughing at her, taking delight in her cluelessness. She won't yet understand that you didn't think about her at all. And if you did, it was only to imagine how angry she'd be. To consider how you'd better be careful so she didn't find out. 
The tears will eventually stop, replaced by...what exactly? This isn't your wife. Your wife is warm and loving. This new wife, this zombie, will frighten you. Is she thinking about leaving you? Why doesn't she want to be touched? Why is she so...volatile? Or numb?
Her pain is there buried beneath a numbness that allows her to function without feeling. It's survival. Nobody can sustain that level of pain. We need a break from it. Our bodies and minds numb us. You didn't expect that, did you? If you thought about it at all.
But you didn't, did you? You didn't think about it. Except to justify it to yourself. To tell yourself that "nobody" was getting hurt. That "nobody" is barely recognizable to you now, isn't she? She's not the woman she was. She's distant and moody. She's thin.
Yes, she's very thin. 
She hardly eats because food tastes like the ashes of her burned-down life. You lit the match for that. She knows that. 
Which is why it's so confusing to recognize that she still loves you. That she wants to believe you when you tell her that it's over, that it was nothing. That she is who you love.
She wants to believe but how can she? You're a liar. Yes, I know you balk at that word. Just like you spark with anger when she calls you cheater. But you are those things, aren't you? A liar and a cheater. You hadn't thought about it those stark terms, had you? If you'd thought about it at all.
But you didn't. Think about it, that is. You really didn't think about it.
And even now you don't want to think about it. Which is why you're so damn tired of her wanting to talk about it. Of her wanting to know more. Always more. Where did you go with her? she asks. What did you talk about? Did you tell her you loved her?
How to make her understand that none of that mattered? That it meant nothing, even if you told the OW you loved her. You didn't mean it. It was a way to keep the fish on the line, so to speak. To keep the supply coming. You hadn't thought you were hurting anyone. You hadn't thought.
That's the truth, isn't it?
You hadn't thought about it at all.


  1. They never seem to think. Even after they are caught. Mabey it really is tetostron[?] poisoning.

  2. I have never felt something in my core so much in my life as I do reading your words here. You have just described 100% of my being.
    As I approach the 1 year mark of finding out about my Fiancé's affair (again - for the second time in our 11 years together), I find myself wondering if things will get better or whether too much damage has been done to repair what we had. Am I able to forgive? Am I able to move past it? Or am I subconsciously holding onto the hurt out of fear of having my happiness ripped away from me again? I struggled the first time it happened with someone else so now, it has become an almost impossible ask.
    I chose to stay and we equally chose to try as the first time we opted to brush it under the rug without facing our demons. We were young and naïve.
    I accepted that although I am not to blame for his choices, I do hold some accountability for why there became space in our 11 year relationship for somebody else.
    We have done everything by the book to recover since: counselling, honesty, effort, respect to name a few and I understand the why he did it but I struggle to come to terms with the how he could do this to me and still look me in the eye and tell me he loves me. Especially when it started around the time we were supposed to get married. (We have Covid to blame for the postponing of that too).
    We both agree that every other part of our relationship was perfect. We just both have different love languages.
    Our wedding has since been postponed, for the third time, until the end of next year and we're using this time to try to heal but when thinking about our wedding, I don't feel the excitement I once did. I grieve for the promise he made to me when he gave me my ring, that I now feel stupid to wear. It no longer means the same to me. I fear that our wedding is now just a joke. How do I overcome this? I really wish I could feel the excitement for our wedding and safety in our relationship that I once did.
    I don't doubt that he loves me but I am still so angry.

    1. I'm so sorry for the pain you're in. And I'm not surprised at how you're feeling. Your feelings are 100% normal. And I think you're asking a lot of yourself, though I certainly understand wanting that same sense of hope and possibility that you felt when he put that ring on your finger. Thing is, a whole lot of us go into marriage with our eyes barely open. Rarely do we think of what we're actually committing to -- sticking by someone through job loss, terminal illness, disabled children, and yes, potential infidelity. Rather, if we think of those things at all, it's through rose-colored glasses. We'll be strong, we're sure of it. We'll have each others' backs. But life is rarely like that. Far more often, we struggle in different ways. We grow differently.
      And here you find yourself being asked to commit to someone "'til death do you part" who has already betrayed your trust. Not one but twice.
      And I think it's really good that you're both facing your demons, that you're figuring out why he cheated and how to ensure it doesn't happen again. But until you feel more certain, until you feel he's done the hard work of being honest about who he is and why he's done what he's done, I think it's perfectly fair to give yourself the time to think about what YOU want and whether this guy is truly a good bet for your future. Maybe he is. And maybe you two will have a lifetime of marriage. But let yourself heal more fully.
      You ask how you overcome this. You overcome by doing exactly what you're doing. By healing yourself. By giving him space to heal himself and become the man you deserve. He can show you, day by day, that you are not stupid, that your relationship is not a joke, that he has learned the hard way how to be a good man. He can show you that you are safe. And I hope he does all that.
      I suspect that, with time and his effort, your anger will subside. Stay focused on what you need. As best you can, shut out any real or imagined opinions of others. They are not you. I would also suggest you read this, which speaks to just how hard marriage is...but, with the right person, how worth it:

    2. I really appreciate Elle's reply! Sage advice for certain. Please take care of question to you...why step into a boat full of holes? You already do not feel safe in the relationship, so why think about marriage? Return the ring to him and say he can present it to you if and when he is properly ready to marry you. Forgiving and accepting are different things. Some folk think that being forgiven means what they did is now acceptable and will become ancient history and forever forgotten....perhaps establish healthy boundaries for yourself....people beat their kids/spouse and still say that they love them. My wasband was genuine in his expression of love for me, but his love/need of cheating was greater. So have your guy tell you how he feels about you without using the word 'love'. Does he know your favourite book/colour/shoe size etc? These aren't the 'little things', so don't overlook them. Janet Jackson has a great song 'What have you done for me lately?' Thank-you for reading my two cents input, I am not walking in your shoes so please put aside what does not resonate with you. And btw, why don't men in general wear an engagement ring??? Will he wear a ring for YOU? Please be well, keep us updated.....

  3. This is exactly how I feel right now

  4. Love this, can't agree with it anymore. Not only lying to me, but also still lying to others

  5. Thank you for reposting this. I am new here and would never have found the original post. I just found out in September that my husband has had multiple affairs over 20 years. This is exactly spot on. I feel like someone else understands. Thank you for writing that so perfectly. My husband is very open to doing whatever he needs to do to repair our marriage. I am quite skeptical that this kind of thing can be repaired. I am so grateful for this site and everyone’s comments that give me hope that maybe we can get through this and come out OK. I am curious what the “hard work” is to make sure my husband does. I am guessing counselling but is there anything else? I just don’t know besides counselling what we should be doing.

    1. Hi dear, i am also new here...I discoverer since 2 weeks that my husband had 4 months affair after 13 years of marriage! I discovered as I opened his was and still a total shock.. I just discovered this group and I feel its a blessing...I am here because I have the same question what should we be doing? Whats the work to be done? I know we are in this pain together...

  6. This is me. Not all of it. I’m not there yet. It’s only been 48 hours. I’m at the ‘How dare he break us’, ‘will I be able to forgive him’, ‘how can I ever let him touch me again when I don’t even want to look at him’ phase. Every fibre of my being feels like raw flesh, burning, stinging. My stomach is in my throat and my heart has not stopped racing since I found out. The racing must represent the shattering into a million pieces. How many other things has he lied about over our 23 marriage. I can’t deal with this and I’m guessing there’s more to come.

  7. I just found out my husband of 4 years has been cheating on me for the past few months. I can’t tell you how deeply I feel all of this and thank you for reposting it. I’m completely and utterly shattered. I hate him, but I love him and part of me hates myself for loving him.

  8. Thank you for sharing this. I feel like I’m being seen in this post. I just found out about my husbands infidelity about a month ago. I forgave him right away about 5 days after he told me. I feel like how the shock is wearing off and I’m REELING. Everything is tainted. How does life just go on now?
