
Thursday, February 18, 2010

On the Eve of Tiger's Press Conference...

The world waits... Or maybe just the gossip mags wait.

In any case, on the eve of Tiger's press conference (will Elin stand beside him? Will she put her wedding ring back on? Will her face be etched with pain? And blah blah blah), here is one of the most balanced, honest and realistic articles about sex addiction that I've read. And I'm not just saying that because I'm quoted at length. Really.


  1. Hope she chooses to move on and start fresh.

  2. I think it's tempting for anyone who's been betrayed to "move on and start fresh" but I firmly believe that, until we deal with the betrayal ourselves on a deeper level, we're likely to carry our issues into another relationship.
    Whether we stay or go, it's critical that we heal ourselves from betrayal in order to live our own lives free of fear, shame and anger.
    Just my 2¢!
