
Monday, November 25, 2019

Planting What's Possible

It’s easy to fixate on everything that goes to ground as time goes by: the disintegration of a relationship, the disappearance of good work well-done, the diminishment of a sense of purpose and meaning. But, as I’ve come to understand that life ‘composts’ and ‘seeds’ us as autumn does the earth, I’ve seen how possibility gets planted in us even in the most difficult of times. 

When my children were young and I was a new homeowner with a big backyard, one of my favorite things to do was to purchase wildflower seeds. My children and I would rake the soil, then scatter the seeds. I was not a particularly adept gardener. I left Mother Nature in charge. But I could picture it in my mind – an English garden, filled with pinks and yellows and whites and blues. 
Each spring, I would see what popped up. It rarely looked like my imaginings. But it was nonetheless lovely. Sparser than I'd hoped. Some flowers looked a bit like weeds. (Which, as Winnie the Pooh famously said, "are flowers too, once you get to know them.") From what popped up, I could fill in some holes, I could cut back what grew too enthusiastically. I could patiently create what I wanted. 
I'm not, of course, suggesting that infidelity is like a flower garden. More like a dark alley strewn with used condoms and infected needles and vomit. 
But look closer. Is that a flower pushing through that crack in the pavement?
When your life seems as though it's lying shattered at your feet, it can feel impossible to believe that, within these ruins, are seeds that will grow into something new. Indeed, one of the laments of those who arrive at the doors of this club none of us wanted to join, is "I want my old life back. I want my old me back."
It's a feeling I know well. I felt it too. I wailed as well for my life in ruins. I couldn't have conceived that anything at all positive could grow from shards.
So I don't really expect you to believe me when I tell you that it is. It will. That even as you read this, your head shaking in denial, your heart broken permanently you're certain, something positive might be taking root.
But there's a catch. You need to plant that something positive. It might be a new-found commitment to learning to value yourself. It might be learning to set clearer boundaries. It might be the removal of toxic people in your life, a refusal to tolerate cruelty. It might be that you seek out therapy and excavate some of that old pain and trauma.
And it might not – in fact, I can almost guarantee it will not – be easy.
Mother Nature can't entirely take care of this one. 
But you can.
You can prune and weed your life. You can sow and plant. You can seek out loveliness, making sure to spread it yourself. 
Being betrayed brought me to my knees. And while I was there, I realized something. My pain wasn't special. It wasn't anything that millions of others weren't also experiencing, for any number of reasons. And it made me realize something else. I could choose cynicism or I could choose courage.
You have that same choice. And it is a choice. We can't change what happened to us but we can absolutely choose how we respond to it, what seeds we plant in the ruins, what possibility takes root.
You and I both know which one will bloom more beautifully. 


  1. How do I plant something positive when all I feel is devastation. 4 mo out from dday 2. He does everything right as far as listening etc never placing blame on me to always taking 100% responsibility. Until I overreact to something like him not picking up the groceries like I asked him to. Yes he worked 130 hours the past 2 wks to catch us up and he accidentally fell asleep but thats his fault we got to the point we are because he had to resign right? So I feel like I am just not a priority. Not only do I have to put on this happy face for my kids or for family or for work, but I also have to do everything around the house because he is either working or sleeping or exhausted or hurting etc. Why can't I lose it once in awhile? Its only been 4 f-ing months. He F's other people but because its in the past and I told him I wanted to reconcile and that I would try, that me losing it is NOT in fact trying? Is this true?? I feel like I TRY every F-ing day to just get out of bed and live. But apparently thats not good enough. HE has to see effort in these moments that I will keep MY promises? wtF? Am I wrong? Am I crazy? I AM DROWNING HERE. I wish I would get hit by a semi. It couldn't hurt worse than this right??

    1. TwinsTwice,
      No, you're not wrong or crazy. You are stewing in your righteous fury and he doesn't seem to realize just how deep the wound goes. But here's something I want you to think about: Anger is frequently the mask that pain wears. And you are in incredible pain. What might be different if you told him that? If, when you got angry, he understood it as pain and, instead of responding with anger or frustration or whatever, he could say to you, "I am so sorry for the pain I put you in. I am doing everything I can to never do that to you again."
      On a practical level, what can you do to give yourself a bit of a break so that you don't feel like you're drowning? Trade childcare with a friend? Hire a babysitter so that you can nap or read or sit down and have an uninterrupted coffee? Even without infidelity, parenting is tough and you need support.
      And yes, four months out is still really REALLY raw. But try talking to him. It seems he needs to realize that this is going to be a LONG road. Here's a post I wrote for those guys who just don't understand why you're not "over it" yet:

    2. all I want is for him to love me unconditionally like I am doing for him. That after all of the hell he has unleashed on our family and on me, I just want him to grab me and hold me while I yell until I cry. I need to know he isn't abandoning me again when I feel like losing it. I have told him I get angry because its easier to deal with than having this insurmountable grief. I have literally handed him everything I need (MY love language) and he has yet to prove anything to me besides working a million hours "for us" and staying calm in arguments and taking full responsibility for what he did. I don't feel like its enough. I need physical proof. Yes working and catching us up is a big deal, but a bigger deal than letting me rage because its been bottled up all day or I have a trigger? hell NO. He is doing what he feels is right thing, not by my way. I feel so hopeless. I thought things were going to change. and then I let him move back in. and it just feels like we are right back to the way things were before. I feel so used.

    3. Twins Twice, I am so sorry. I remember how hard that time was early on. One thing I underestimated was how much work it would take for us to create a new relationship/marriage. Getting through the pain was one aspect. But there was the deeper layer about what I wanted/expected vs who he was and what he gave. It took a long time to rework I guess what you would call our dynamic. The only thing that really worked for me was being very specific with exactly what I wanted and expected of him. Our boundaries were very exact. I mean basically it laid out his entire day. And if there was any deviation he had to come to me in person. I needed that stability. We also cut out every responsibility that was non essential. For that first year we just worked and took care of our kids. I would get very specific and tell him what time I needed him to get up, what he needed to do, I would tell him I needed a hug, or leave me alone, exact errands to run, etc. For so long our dynamic was both of us being independent. For him that meant doing what he wanted. For me that was doing everything for everyone. The balance was off and it was a process for him to learn and even now over 4 1/2 years later it does not come natural to him. He is better. He admits early on he did not know what to say to me or what to do. He felt like whatever he did was the wrong thing and he wanted to cause fewer problems. Now he says he has to make a major effort to think about others first before himself. He does it but it is not natural for him. The other thing that worked for us was having a time with no kids home once a week where we talked. It helped us a lot to focus during that one time (not that we could never bring anything up outside of that time). It allowed me to focus and get out what I needed and for him he knew it was coming and was not always worried he was going to be hit with more questions/complaints etc.

      I felt everything you feel now. It was the hardest thing I have ever been through recovering from betrayal. Try to find a way that helps you work through this. For me I realized whether we ended up together or not I needed to figure this out. And I felt and sometimes do feel like old times. Every time I bring that up and we talk about what we can change or improve on.

  2. Hi Elle, I'm in the middle of a breakdown. I need advise. After I found out about my husband infidelity back in Jun, I was stalking the OW, curiously she had me added in a social media and it was easy for me to watch what we call stories about her life, and Oh my! she posted a lot. My H soon noted I was exploding and something was triggering my behavior and in a discussion I confessed what I was doing. He begged me to stop doing it and to stop living her life more than mine (those words hurt a lot). Soon after that discussion, I noticed he changed her number in my phone by a digit so I couldn't be able to stalk her anymore but without telling me, I changed her number back to normal to keep stalking her (I know, shame on me). So this week I was in an emotional breakdown but not triggered by stalking her but for the infidelity itself. That same day I started to tell him that it might be a good a idea to separate, he asked me what did I saw? and here the part that is killing me, starting that day the OW blocked me. I am sure he called her and now I'm here desperate thinking that I'm being manipulated by both of them and I don't know how to prove this and what to do. I need an advise because I feel I'm having a really bad break down.

    1. Anonymous,
      I'm so sorry for the pain you're in. Infidelity makes us do really crazy stuff, even when we know it's hurting us. We become hyper-vigilant, we stalk, we obsess. And it harms us. It rarely tells us anything we don't already know.
      If you do believe that your husband and the OW are plotting against you, then it's time to get out of the marriage. But if, more likely, you're stuck in that horrible state of feeling crazy and not knowing who to trust, then it's time to have a really honest conversation with your husband. Do you have access to all his e-mails, social media, etc? Can you be somewhat certain that he has ZERO contact with the OW? If not, why not?
      Are you in any sort of counselling to help you process the pain of betrayal? I would encourage you to find someone, if you haven't already.
      Anonymous, betrayal is horrible. But stalking her is like self-harm. It is keeping you stuck in pain, like mud hardening around your ankles. You need to cut her out of your life like a cancerous tumour.

    2. Thank you Elle for taking the time to write this to me, I'm stuck in that self hurt state, and I really want to make progress. I have access to his social media emails and cellphone if I want to, I don't log them in mine because I don't want to let him know how self pity I am (I'm ashamed how vulnerable and crazy I am)You're right I need to stop harming myself.

    3. I hope you'll take steps to stop. Put an elastic band around your wrist and give it a good snap every time you're tempted. Or post a big Stop sign on your computer, which will make you at least pause before you log into your social media. You want to build in that pause where you remind yourself that this will only cause more hurt and do NOTHING to change her life.
      But let me get this straight: HE is logged into her social media? He should have her completely blocked. NO CONTACT means no contact. None.
      Also...I hope you'll take steps to be able to allow yourself to be vulnerable with him (and others). It's really really hard. Trust me, I know. But it's also the only way to have true intimacy in a marriage. And it takes enormous courage to let someone see the real you and trust that you are enough.

  3. Twins Twice, I can feel your anger, resentment all of it. Ask for what you need to feel better. At 4 months nothing made me feel better. He can't hide from you, hide his shame through working. I will admit 70+ hours a week, I would be exhausted but that doesn't mean I didn't have time to love. Just because you handed it to him, doesn't mean he understood it completely. My H and I discuss it until he can tell me how I feel. You want him to validate your pain and your grief. I read what you wrote. 1. HE has taken full responsibility. 2. HE stays calm in arguments. 3. HE is working. Do you see anything he is doing for you? What do you want, it has to be concrete with a deadline. Examples, I want you to bring me coffee in bed every Monday while you do. I want you to give me a bear hug everyday and don't turn lose until I say so. I want you to stop at the grocery and buy me a $5 flowers every week. I want you to open the car door for me. Don't you see he doesn't know what to do. Even though you told him, ask him to DO one thing that makes YOU feel better. Everything you listed makes HIM feel better. Men work off checklist. Hug check, Flowers check. It needs to be something for YOU YOU YOU. Not the kids, not the house, something special just for you. All the things listed do not take hardly anytime. How could you rage against a guy who brought you flowers or a bottle of wine? How could you rage against a man who hugs you? Your right he not doing enough. One thing I learned is there no unconditionally anything. This will never be in the past either. It will not rule your life but it will never leave just get littler. I can see how he doesn't have time to do stuff around the house, but he should prove he has time for YOU. Love to you.

  4. I'm going to say a prayer over this holiday for all the women who are about to find out. I pray they find this site, like I did. I pray for their strength to get though it. If you don't believe in God just shout to the universe who eventually makes itself right.

    1. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Discovered my husband's infidelity a week ago. Found receipts of restaurants and bars for 2pax amounting to few hundreds of dollars per receipt, condoms in his bag and calendaring of this person "Davin" which coincided with most of the receipts. I found on Google that Davin = Beloved in French. Worst of all, one of the receipts was dated on our 12th wedding anniversary. It was for 4 glasses of wine which cost more than the simple lunch that we had at lunch on that day near our work place to celebrate. He told me that he would be going for exercise after work. Not sure did sex take place between them that day. I can't remember what time he came home that day too. Pain and hurt is still very, very raw.
      Past few days, I was on emotional roller coaster (from anger, rage, hurt, pity, confusion, etc), couldn't sleep well, mentally tortured. Still going to work and have to function and look normal outwardly but inside, barely holding it together. Cannot suffer breakdown at work as we are working in the same company but in different departments.
      More digging around found more receipts of dinners and wine bars which dates as early as Jan 2019. And the woman in question was some woman whom he has had sexual relationship prior to dating me and marrying me. Couldn't find any text messages (think got deleted by him) but I found two messages on his other phone.
      10/10, 6.30am: How are you?
      No reply from the woman.
      28/11: Missing you. What can I do to make you talk to me?
      The last receipt was dated 26/11. Something happened between then and 28/11. Maybe the woman regretted being the family wrecker or her needs/demands no met, thus trying to keep him in suspense by playing hard to get?
      He is my first and only boyfriend before becoming my husband. My only sexual partner. He has had several exes whom he has had sexual relationship prior to dating me.
      After reading your sharing, articles from this Club, I have this thought: Instead of feeling hurt, asking why he did it, etc, it seems most if not all cheaters, have personal issues/problems that they couldn't work through, thus the cheating. So with a paradigm shift in mindset and loads of compassion,like a saint, if I forgive him, release him if he thinks he is in love with her. Strangely, this way of thinking gives me a sense of calm instead of the emotions of hurt/pain, confusion, hysteric, etc, that I have experienced these past week. Or am I engulfing myself in self denial in order to keep myself from getting crazy?

    2. Anonymous,
      I'm so sorry for the pain you're in but I'm glad you found us.
      I think it's good that you're realizing, this early in your healing, that his affair is about what's wrong with him, not what's wrong with you. But I think, if you're considering forgiving me and rebuilding your marriage, it needs to done within very clear boundaries. He needs to seek help to figure out why he risked his marriage. He needs to be totally transparent with you so that he can, slowly, begin to earn back your trust. You need to be very clear about what you need from him right now -- "my heartbreak, my rules" is our motto here. You get to decide what you know and when you know it.
      And, finally, keep taking those deep breaths and trust that you will get through this. It will be so hard, as you're already discovering. You will realize that you are far stronger than you know. If possible, is there someone at work with whom you can confidentially share what's going on so that they might cut you a bit of slack in the short term?
      In the meantime, it's time for radical self-care. Sleep if you can, rest otherwise. Eating well. Avoiding substances that alter your state (drugs/alcohol/compulsive behaviours, etc.).
      Hang in there, Anonymous. You're going to be fine.

  5. I just found this blog today and I'm glad I did because even though it's been 16 months from dday, I can't get over it yet.It still hurts and make me wander if it ever goes away. We are working very hard to try to keep this marriage( actually 26 years) and he's doing his part to help us out of this mess but I feel stuck. The thing that bother me the most is knowing that the OW is living normally out there while I still feeling so bad and hurt,i do want revenge .Somehow I put all my hate on her and not on him although I know he did what he did conciously and he's as responsible as she is. These thoughts of all the things that they might share together still in my head everyday.I do love him and really want to get through but is killing me while we get to the other side. Am I supposed to be healed already after a year.Deatils still coming out drop by drop.Sometimes I don't know if I made the correct decision staying and fighting.

    1. Lili,
      I'm so glad you found but so sorry that you needed to.
      To answer your questions: No, you are not "supposed" to be healed. We each heal on our own timeline but most experts say somewhere between two and five years. I was much closer to five.
      And, like you, I spent far too much focused on the OW. How DARE she live her life. How DARE she just go on while I was in AGONY. Thing is, it was never about her. She was available and willing. She was nothing special. Cut her loose. Don't let her take up any more space in your brain. If you're following her on social media, stop. If you drive by her house, stop. If you listen for gossip about her, stop. You are hurting yourself. Your best revenge? To rebuild your life. To find joy again. To put this behind you. I can promise you that I honestly could care less whether the OW is fine or not. Rather, I hope she's doing great. I hope she's happy. Because if she's as messed up as she was, she might harm another marriage.
      Re. the drip-drip of details: Why don't you have all the information you want? Or if you don't want anymore, why are you still hearing more? You get to set the terms of reconciliation. You get to decide how much you know.
      And finally, do you have a therapist who can help you process the pain of betrayal? If not, i strongly urge you to find someone. Betrayal is excruciating. It is traumatic. And it requires someone who can really guide you through.
      In the meantime, I hope you'll keep posting here. The women here are smart and compassionate and they know exactly what you're going through. Lili, you will get through this. Day by day.

    2. Found this healing site during my thirst for info on infidelity:

      Not sure if allowed to post any link?

      I haven't decided yet how to confront him. Many times, since discovery, I have wanted to just blurt out and asked him there and then why he has to do this to me. But I know I cannot be rash and must plan it out since he has no idea that I know of his affair.

    3. Anonymous,

      What you are going through sounds just horrendous, and I would ask yourself why you are not speaking to your husband about all that you have found.

      I can only imagine that not speaking is causing your anger, confusion and utter despair to be worsening.

      I dont think there is an easy or obvious way to speak to your Husband. When I found out, I took myself away for an hour, and despite all plans to do everything calmly, I pretty much threw his phone at him and told him that I knew what he was doing, and that "obviously meant we were over".

      It was all I COULD do at that stage. It took days and weeks for us to be able to have a sensible conversation. And slowly, I learned more, understood more, and we worked a way through it as best we could. For a long time that involved us still toying with the idea of him moving out, but now it is focussed on our recovery (2.5 years on).

      But I think that trying to "plan how to confront him" is delaying what will always be an awful AWFUl conversation, and probably still won't go how you plan it in your head.

      I hope you manage to find a way to tell him that you know, so you can start your way through this next difficult phase, wherever that takes you.
