
Monday, February 4, 2019

Passing Through the Wound: What Mary Oliver Teaches Us About Healing From Betrayal

"I recall my students, stunned by language that appears so simple but evokes a complex nexus of ideas about the intersection of self and world. I think about the story Oliver’s poems often tell about what it means to heal by passing through the wound; how the courage to do so heals ourselves and the world, one person at a time."

I subscribe to a newsletter called Writer Unboxed. It offers writing tips on everything from character and plot development to focus and motivation.
A recent post focused on poet Mary Oliver, who recently died. If you haven't already discovered Mary Oliver, I urge you to do so. She was sometimes not taken seriously because her poetry is so accessible. If anyone can understand it, the thinking seemed to go, then it wasn't worthy of being elevated to art.
I disagree, as did legions of Oliver aficionados. It was her simple language that opened the door to so much. The ability to pack so much into a compact sentence is what made an Oliver poem so stunning. So beautiful. And, sometimes, so painful. It touched us in our tender places. 
Oliver didn't turn away from her pain. She, as this writer above puts it, passed through the wound. 
It's what we're doing here, isn't it? Pretty much everyone who finds themselves here discovers that going around or under or over the wound just doesn't work. We must pass through it in order to heal ourselves.
What does that look like? To pass through a wound?
Well, it looks like the tough conversation you no longer avoid. 
It looks like setting and holding to clear boundaries.
It looks like giving yourself the time and space, if you need it, trusting that if your husband will move on that quickly, he had one foot out the door already.
It's about facing your own demons. What pain did you bring into the marriage? What old wounds still need tending? What have you been doing to avoid feeling?
Passing through the wound requires so much courage. Which is why it's crucial to be gentle with yourself. Self-care has become one of those catch-phrases that life coaches and advertisers use to sell us stuff. But self-care isn't about a spa day or a fancy new journal with multi-coloured pens, or a new pair of shoes. It's about asking yourself what you need right now. And then listening carefully for the answer. It's about cultivating a space that amplifies a deeper voice, one that knows how to care for you, one that knows your worth. 
This will sometimes take your breath away. You will need support. You will need this army of fierce and fabulous secret sisters to remind you that you are strong enough and brave enough and enough enough. 
But I bring to you the kinda lousy news that there is no other way to a genuine and long-lasting healing but to pass through the wound.
It's dark and frightening and painful.
But on the other side? It's glorious. 

The World I Live In
by Mary Oliver

I have refused to live
locked in the orderly house of
reasons and proofs.
The world I live in and believe in
is wider than that. And anyway,
what's wrong with Maybe?

You wouldn't believe what once or
twice I have seen. I just
tell you this:
only if there are angels in your head will you
ever, possibly, see one.


  1. To those who are just trying to survive the knowledge of betrayal please know that making the decision to stay in the marriage did not happen in a short time frame. It’s been a grueling 4 and a half years. We both have had to give and take to get through the raw wound and then the healing begins but it’s also a very slow will hear some of us say two steps forward and three back... for every painful day it feels like I need a few weeks to go through it before I feel like I’m getting through it. I’m not able to say to those who don’t have a h willing to fight for the marriage because I am one of those that has a h that chose to make the necessary changes in himself even as he watched me go through the pain caused by his choice to cheat. He has to live with that the rest of his life... as do I. Just because we’ve made it through this far doesn’t mean that we won’t have heartbreak in the future...but we spend every day now trying to make sure we make time for us as well as self day at a time and one foot in front of the other...I’m sorry for those who have no choice because they don’t have the h that can be a better man...sending hugs to anyone who needs it because I firmly believe that sometimes a hug goes a long way!

    1. hugs back to you Theresa, yours is always a voice of calm reassurance. And you are so right, life is unpredictable. There may, and likely will, be heartbreak in the future. That's why some of the lessons we learn here are so important. The resilience, compassion, patience, just breathe, just show up, self care, boundaries, ask for help, don't grieve alone that we learn here will serve us for the rest of our lives.

  2. In a world of absolutes - the only "guarantee" I know is that IF I leave my husband I won't ever have to worry about him cheating on me again. It doesn't mean that I won't hurt. It doesn't mean that life will go back to normal. It doesn't mean ...

    Some days it's hard to let go of that absolute. It's hard to see through the fog. It's ...

    But thankfully we're not alone in this journey. There are so many who have come before us and who have survived (and dare I say thrived) ...

    So today I'm changing this from "angels in your head" to "angels in your paths" ... because each of you have been an angel to me on my journey. Thank you!

    1. Kimberly, its OK to not know. Its ok to decide one day at a time. And yes, if you leave, you won't have to worry about him cheating, but other worries will be there to fill the gap if you let them. It will still hurt, because leaving doesn't take the wound away. But, as you say, we have others, angels with us here, to see us through the wound. XOXO

  3. The size of the wound is the time in healing. I was already wounded just propping myself up but still limping. I thought he was my white knight, a guy good looking, fun, well educated, 2 jobs, car, regular man on campus that you see sitting beside the Homecoming Queen in his MGB. This guy was in love with me? Your kidding. No way. I wasn't worth his attention - my wound was pretty big already. Then he did the worst things you can do to me without going to jail. The wound just got larger then infected. I had to leave my crutches and cane behind go through that pain and walk on my own through all those wounds. It hurt, it was not pleasant but there were things I needed to deal with. Instead of getting out my cane and limped along. With this site to help me I was a Max assist; then one person assist until I could walk 500 feet on my own. I like the part about genuine, long lasting healing. There is no other type. You know when I was lonely and would have also enjoyed time with someone who wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with him, I could not cross that line. Not because of my husband but who I am in my core. No having an affair was less about my H, and more about what I value. He could have been the Hulk, green, angry, horrible and I still wouldn't have cheated. While I rambling on - don't let the OW be in wound. It is a waste of time and energy. They are of no high moral standard than my H was. Regardless of the her role, she didn't have a convent with me. He did. I"m feeling like crap today. I still can't look at the dates during the affair time. I still can't look at pictures. I was triggered yesterday of my own making and today, I'm paying it for it. Love to you all, especially those that are less than a year. My heart goes out to you.

    1. LLP I love your words, I too was deeply wounded before I even got here. Many of us are and get by propped up as best we can, maybe not even aware that we are not whole, just doing the best with what we've got.
      I'm sorry you had a crap day. It's weird, isn't it, how some days you can feel like a tower of strength, that you might be through and then others like its still so raw you can't even look. Its a sine wave we all ride post discovery. But hopefully the ups and downs are less extreme, the troughs less prolonged. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate and have valued your voice and wisdom in this community and sending you hugs for a better day.

  4. Coming up within months of 4 years out past dday and here we are again at odds? Truth is when we are on i feel pretty damn good but i feel like he has high and lows the theow me off my game if hes on a low im thinking about it more, feeling the wound reopen or the scab thats still healing crease open to a reminder of pain of broken and despair. Hes been more distant lately says its work? All i can think maybe ive heard that before thou? Sex is off or sometimes very far in between and if i try i feel shut down by him or if we do i can tell we dont feel in tune. And honestly though it takes too i feel i do my best and feel good till he doesnt then im right there on the same not feeling good level not sure his mistake hold him down or he says ill leave or cheat on him which is his bullshit too or he wants more out of sex i feel his do anything whore warped his mind and im not down for everything and thats my right. Guess im just venting im trying to keep my self care in check but man the tension is starting to feel thick and i guess im a little less kiss ass or less forgiving since dday where i dont overly try to pacify it or him i told him im living in the day becuz after dday i know controls an illusion and there are no guarantees. I really like it better when we are connected and feel all in .. but currently ... thats not the case. Hopefully this too shall pass ...
