
Saturday, February 6, 2021

When Life Intrudes

 I have been largely absent from this site for a week or more, and only sporadically engaged since the winter holidays. I am sorry for all those who have found themselves here, seeking guidance or advice only to be met with silence. I tell myself that the telling of our own stories is healing in itself but so is the comfort that comes from someone saying, "you're among friends. Welcome. You will be okay."

And so let me tell all of you, "you're among friends. Welcome. You will be okay."

It is the truth.

The last time I was this busy was in the weeks before D-Day. I was finishing up a book and organizing a massive fundraiser (we raised $75,000 in one night!!). I had three young kids and a husband who had just moved firms and was working around the clock with his clients. What I didn't yet know, but would find out soon, was that it wasn't all work. He and his assistant were taking time for sex. 

D-Day hit, my book got finished in a fog, D-Day #2 hit and my mother died suddenly, literally the day before my book hit the shelves and I had umpteen media interviews to do. It all happened in six months and when I look back, I remember little more than the emptiness I felt, interspersed with such biting pain that I could barely breathe.

But here I am. Still breathing.

And, again, busy in that same way where there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. 

So perhaps it's not surprising that old feelings are surfacing. Resentment at how responsible I am for so much around this house. Quiet fury at how little my work is prioritized among family members. Fear that the opportunities now presenting themselves will vanish before I can fully seize them. There is no question that opportunities that presented themselves in the wake of D-Day were lost because I simply didn't have the mental or emotional bandwidth to grab them. 

That was then, I tell myself. This is now.


I have to remember all the lessons I've learned in the years since. I'm resentful for how much responsibility I take in this house? Well? Whose fault is that? My 20-year-old is capable of folding his own laundry so why am I doing it? My 17-year-old will not starve if I'm not reminding her to eat. Taking "responsibility" for others is really about my own anxiety. It's about control and my (unhealthy) need for it. "Help is the sunny side of control," my former therapist insisted.

I feel furious that I'm interrupted during Zoom meetings, or that I'm asked to "pick up milk" during the day, as if I don't have better, important things to do? Well? Whose fault is that? Why should I expect family members to prioritize my work when I've never prioritized my work? I have always always taken on the lion's share of tasks because it's more comfortable to me to feel resentful at others' lack of participation in household tasks than to ask and be disappointed. Far easier (and familiar!) for me to play the martyr. I need to feel needed because, on a deep level, I believe my value lies only in what I do for others. Ugh. 

And so I remind myself again, that was then. This is now.

I can do things differently. I can stop taking responsibility for things that others can do themselves. I can breathe through the anxiety as I let others deal with the consequences of their own actions. I can prioritize my own work and model self-respect rather than expecting others to mind-read. I can remind myself that have value because I exist, not because I serve.

I can do things differently. Without behaving like I'm some kind of martyr. Being honest with myself and them.

Life is challenging right now. Five adults living together on month 11 of a pandemic lockdown. Five very busy adults trying to navigate school and a growing workload. Serious mental health issues. A new puppy. 

And it's when we're under stress that old habits can resurface. Long-buried resentments. Barely suppressed fury.

I need to be careful that I'm not falling into old patterns.

That was then.

This is now.


  1. I read this and it makes me feel as if I wrote it. I was so resentful, still am the feelings don't disappear over night. My STBX never took any responsibility. I would ask and was always disappointed so I stopped asking. I am also a nurse so I felt like all I ever did was take care of everyone else patients, husband, kids, older parents, dog and the list goes on the only one I didn't take care of was myself. I am working on that now. Thank you for taking the time to write all you do!

    1. Yep. Stopped asking too. Just simmered in my resentment. I can now recognize that I got something out of feeling like the martyr. Wasn't healthy but it was how I felt like I had value. It has been a long road of refusing to tolerate disrespect or lack of consideration. We teach people how to treat us.

  2. Love this. Love all your stuff. It's encouraging and empowering. Yesterday morn I left a comment on another blog, and a couple individuals - they seemed well-meaning - told me to leave my husband, to protect myself, to get out. Of course then I started questioning why I'm staying with a man who would have a year-and-a-half affair with my friend. Why? Bc we have 20+ years together, I truly enjoyed most of that time with him, and now we have three children. Even with all the shit that's gone down the past couple years, I still like the guy. Does that make me a fool? He can still make me laugh. He's remorseful. He's started anti-depressants and participates in therapy. These other betrayed women would argue that it doesn't matter - that I should free myself from someone who do such a thing, who would put me through hell. I get it. I have this thought a lot. But severing our marriage would mean giving up a lot too.

    1. This is how I feel x thank you for sharing x

    2. I'm so sorry Jana. I don't think I saw that. I don't think any of us should be telling others what path to walk out of this hell. (I make an exception when there's clear abuse.) And I'm sorry I didn't step in and tell the others to back off. None of us know what's right for another person. We each need to heal in our own way. And you get to decide when/if your marriage is over.
      Oh wait...just saw this it was another blog. Whew. Though I'm still sorry it happened to you. Listen to your own voice. Nobody else's. Your husband sounds like he's working hard to earn that second chance. While he's doing that, I hope you'll take the time to begin to prioritize yourself, to center yourself in your own life, to recognize that the choices he made were about HIS issues, not about you. And if you want to give him a chance to become a better man, then you do that. I did. And I have no regrets.

  3. You have no idea how grateful I am that this blog is here. I was told on Saturday by my husband that he’d had an affair 3 years ago with an old work colleague. He just blurted it out after I’d got back with the M+S shop, despite my two children (15 and 11) being in their rooms. He looked like someone had died or that he’d been given a terminal illness diagnosis. I was scared. There was flirting, messages, a photo on Saturday. On Sunday there was sex in his car once, by Monday it was twice plus all the other acts. Her husband had found photos on her phone and so she told him and gave his name. She called him Saturday morning to say the husband was on his way round with their kids to kill him! Obviously he was in trauma mode and he didn’t arrive but he did call him to say he’d rip his younger out! That also had not happened. I feel for him I really do. So basically they’d been caught and my husband was cowering like a little boy. He’s in pieces, completely remorseful, says he doesn’t know why, that she instigated it all, but says it’s his fault and takes full responsibility he said he thinks he liked the attention etc etc. We had an active adventurous sex life so I wasn’t not meeting his needs. I had no reason to think anything. My emotions have been all over the place. Crying one minute asking all the awful questions, needing the details, not being able to look at him, to feeling sorry for him, wanting to support him and today wanting to have sex with him, I’m feeling aroused!? What the hell? I’m finding the nights harder as I’m alone with my own thoughts and making up all the details as I don’t believe he’s told me everything. I feel like I’m losing my mind and am behaving erratically. I’m going to read through your posts and hope that they help me to understand what I’m feeling. Thank you for creating them.

    1. This site has helped me so much. I would read all night each page grasping for answers and comfort. I learned so much and gathered strength in the words shared on these pages. At times I wished responses could be in more real time because I felt so desperately alone. Of all the counseling I've been through and other things I've tried this site has helped me the most. I hope just getting a response after your post will help you to feel less alone and feel a little stronger.

    2. Anon, I'm sorry you're here. But glad you found us. This site is my #1 place online to seek reassurance, encouragement, empowerment. A few're feeling aroused? Normal. Shortly after finding out my husband had been unfaithful, I felt this too. Did a little nerdy research on it. Turns out that can happen when you feel you've come close to losing someone. It's a strange feeling though, especially after that same someone just thrashed your heart. "The nights are harder as I'm alone with my thoughts"...NORMAL. I'm writing this at 350am. Ugh. "I feel like I'm losing my mind"...NORMAL. You've been traumatized. Welcome to the hell of being a betrayed spouse. You are not alone. And, you can be okay. It will take work and time and tears can be okay again.

    3. Anonymous, Welcome to the club none of us ever wanted to join. I'm glad you found us.
      To start, eveything you're feeling is absolutely normal, under the circumstances. But please know this first and foremost: He didn't cheat because there's anything wrong with you, or your sex life, or your marriage. His job now is to figure out why he risked everything that mattered for a woman who didn't matter at all.
      If you don't have a therapist, please find one. You need support as you process this pain. And please know this, too: You will get through this. This will not define your life. But it takes a long time to get there. And it really helps to have an army of women to guide you there.

  4. Jana,you are not alone. I too have been betrayed by my husband of 40 yes this past summer. I tried committing suicide by pulls and alcohol. So very foolish!! My heart was broken. He was my best friend. My life revolved around him and I don't know how to get rid of the pain. He says he is so very sorry,that it had nothing to do with me. He wasn't himself and wants me to forgive and move forward with him. I'm trying but it hurts So Much.
