
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

"How can I ever trust him again?" The bad news, you can't. The good news? You don't need to

 It's one of the questions I'm asked most often, along with, "when will I stop feeling so much pain" and "should I stay or go?". 

How, so many of you ask, can I ever trust him again.

Usually, this question is asked within the context of a marriage that has remains somewhat intact. He says he'll change, he says it's over, he says he wishes it had never happened. 

But we're aware that it didn't just "happen". He made it happen. He chose it.

And that not only hurts like hell, it makes it very very hard to believe that it won't happen again. As Dr Phil has famously said, the greatest predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.

I wish I could tell you that there was some formula for success. That if he did this thing or that thing, then you could be sure he'd never cheat again. But there isn't. I know of people who cheated once, their spouse didn't know, and they never cheated again. I know of people who said they couldn't promise they'd never cheat again but who (so far!) have never cheated again. And consider this: I have this site where I've spent more than a decade talking to all of you about healing from infidelity and I have no idea if my husband will cheat on me again. It's impossible to predict what anyone will do. Consider also this: How many of you came here with the words, "I never imagined that my husband could do this." Yep, me too. Never in a million years.

And yet, here I am. Here we are. 

There are things we can pay attention to if we're considering rebuilding a marriage with someone who betrayed us. For a start, I wouldn't consider (nor would I encourage you to consider) giving a second chance to someone who's refusing to do the work of digging through his own shit: If he always minimized what he did, if he refused to break it off and insist on No Contact, if he refused to talk about it, if he refused to let me see his e-mails/texts/apps on his phone... Those, to me, are huge waving red flags that are telling me that he might not be packing his bags but I should be. 

Which brings me to the point of this post and, I believe, the most important thing we can do in the wake of D-Day: Learn to trust ourselves. 

I know how vague that sounds. And I know how confusing it feels. What difference does it make if I trust myself if I can't trust him? He's the cheater.

Yes. And trusting yourself is not the same as ensuring that you will never be hurt again. Nobody can promise that. 

But trusting yourself is about taking care of yourself. It is about ensuring that you are not tolerating anything in your life that makes you uncomfortable or compromises your value system. That's part of the collateral damage of infidelity. So many of us can look back and see that we knew something wasn't right. Maybe we didn't know he was cheating, but we knew there were times we couldn't reach him. Or we knew he'd suddenly detached from our family, or we felt unseen or unheard. We told ourselves that all marriages go through rough patches, that maybe he was stressed, that we needed to be patient. We made do with a situation that didn't feel enough for us.

Trusting ourselves is about never doing that again. Trusting ourselves is about never saying "it's okay" when it's not. It's about insisting on what we need to stay in the marriage. It's about refusing to trade our voice for his presence. Trusting ourselves is knowing that we are worth fighting for, and that fighting for ourselves is an inside job.

I was hard for me to understand what trusting myself meant until I felt it. And yet, I knew women who trusted themselves, though I might not have put it that way. Women who moved through the world with a certainty of their worth. Not arrogance at all. Assurance. 

And that's what trusting ourselves provides. Not a guarantee that he will never cheat again. But an assurance that, no matter what others do, we will not lose sight of our own North Star. That no matter how hard the winds blow, we will not topple.

Despite how you're feeling right now, regardless of how miserable you feel, let me remind you that you have not toppled. We have survived this. And since the greatest predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour, that's a pretty good indication that we would survive if it happened again. We think we wouldn't. But let's not confuse feeling deep deep pain with being annihilated. We can feel that pain and move forward anyway. And that's all we need to know.

My husband might cheat on me next week (though this pandemic means he's pretty much around 24/7 so he'd have to work  hard at it!). I cannot control what he does. I never could. But I know now that I can trust myself to respond in a way that is rooted in self-honor and respect. 

And, as it turns out, that is enough. It had always been enough. 


  1. I will be 3 years out from D day at the end of this month. It was a 3 + year affair with someone who was as hateful as my husband had become and made him feel like he was right and the rest of the world was wrong (along with sex when he didn't have ED issues with her). My husband seems to be doing all the right things, he is a changed man for sure. He is transparent. With everything I read, I know that should be enough. I should be able to move forward. What I can't get past is the fact that the only reason he's become a "new man" is because he was caught! He would STILL be doing it if he wasn't found out. He will say I'm the only one for him. Really? The only reason I am is because you were caught and don't have your whore to rely on anymore. I hate feeling like the consolation prize.
    I've known the "old" husband for far longer than I have the "new" man. I'm not sure how to get around this. I do trust myself, my eyes are wide open. What I can't deal with is wasting anymore time going in the wrong direction. We've been married for 34 years. I am at a point in my life where I should relax and really start enjoying the life I have left. How do I start this new life with this man I "barely" know? He insists he has told me the truth about his infidelity, he's answered all my questions. Do I just accept his word or is this just lip service so he can move forward and put all this behind him? I feel like he has "chosen" me because he's burned every bridge with any friend or co-worker he's ever had and I'm all that's left...what choice does he have, right? How can I be sure ? I wish I had all the answers to my questions of "WHY?" but, even he doesn't know the answers. It's very frustrating. I just want to relax and enjoy my life without looking over my shoulder. If I was and am his "everything" why did he need a whore?

    1. I found out 9 months ago...I feel exactly the way you do. Many of the same issues I have found out about (ED) just the same. I just don't get it. I want to move forward and he is doing all the right things. I am still just so very hurt by it all.

    2. 14 months out and I feel the same LCH. Am I making the wrong decision by staying? IS he doing all the right things? 99% of the time I feel like he is just patiently waiting for this to all blow over so things can go back to normal. I hate it. I felt stuck the past year after DD 2 (the first one was emotional). 2 physical affairs and countless sexting with others. then 3 weeks ago, I found he was looking at porn. Heart broken AGAIN. I definitely feel like the consolation prize. :(

  2. Wow such a strong piece i love it. I’ve had a trigger today I’m not sure why, I saw an old friend of mine who said she had recently split up with her partner I also heard along the grape vine she had cheated on her husband. She then said she’s ok and they are so much better apart then they were together. It made me feel instantly like am I doing the right thing then in staying with my H. It’s been since January that I found out about his affair and it’s a daily battle for me to get past there’s no trust there at all and during this pandemic we haven’t been able to go to counselling so I’m just feeling abit lost as to should I be with him, I no no one can answer that but me. I don’t no just felt like I needed to vent

  3. Thank you for giving me back my confidence to stand for my values. My story was very fact I didn't ask the cheater to show me his history, instead he did that to me...He digs out the people who hated me, bitching around me and he then claimed how 'I don't get along with others'. My growth plan is to ' reconcile with these people who hated me' and I should ' reflect on my behavior'. Instead of reflecting on his own, he's dragging everyone out of my life to force me 'reflecting my own'. Do you think life is a joke sometimes?

  4. This post has a special place in my heart. Mention of the feeling that something wasn't right even before D Day is exactly what I dealt with. And the reality is my trust in myself is still in the toilet because I was brave enough to bring it to her attention and it was minimized and I was made to feel paranoid. I can release just enough to have some faith in her but it's as if it has been turned back on me again. I want badly to be free of the prison that is my head but am well aware the pain and fear may never subside even if I can trust myself again.

  5. I have had a difficult day today, I have avoided these types of blogs for a week or so because i felt like i was spending too much time dwelling on the cheating when we are supposed to be moving forward. My d day was just over 2 months ago. That hurts to admit. I suspected something was off...but to finally have the truth told to me, and on a holiday...the pain was unbearable as you all know. I have made a lot of growth in strength since then...but I dont know how to trust myself. I know that God has pulled me through this in a way I never believed possible. I know that I am supposed to try and do everything in me to save my marriage...but days like today, where the fear of other people finding out...or the affair partners husband finding out, and coming after mine...and having to explain why to our kids or friends...terrifies me. It's his mess...why are we going to be collateral damage if that happens? I fear he will fail again, go back to her if she comes around, if her marriage falls apart she will try to make mine fall apart. They are both such damaged people, alcoholism connected them in a way I couldn't be with him. What if he doesent want me anymore? What if I'm not enough? What if he only stayed bc shes married still? He says he wants me, says he could never be with her...what kind of relationship could be built on cheating and lies? But that doesnt reassure me that he wont go back to her. I am just so lost tonight, and I dont know how to trust that I will be ok and get through this if he hurts me again. He apologizes, he is making efforts, but other than alcohol, depression and being lost in a midlife crisis, I can't understand how he could have ever betrayed me this way, he was supposed to be my unicorn...the guy who would never cheat. Turns out his horn was an old broken one he glued on I guess. And I was fooled, duped, betrayed. How do you find strength to move forward? How is it possible to trust you will survive if it happens again when the first time broke you into a million pieces and you're still finding shards in unexpected places? I can't trust my best friend not to devastate me or betray me, what good does it do to trust myself if I can't trust him? I want my husband to be devoted to me, I deserve the kind of love I give to can I love myself when he didnt love me enough to protect me from this? Why did he choose to do this and continue it for a year? Why wasnt I enough? How do you get to a good place from here?

    1. Hugs. I feel the same, I am 14 months out from DD 2. Some days are hard to get out of bed, but I have to because I am a mom of 4 adolescents that need me. Do what you need to do for you. For me, everyone knowing was a blessing and a curse. Ours was very public as he was a police officer and stuff was found on his dept phone and another female coworker filed a complaint. it can feel like we never knew them at all. Just remember, your heartbreak, your rules.

    2. This. All of this. Hugs to you!

  6. You are still very raw from this. It takes time a long long time I’m afraid. And even then triggers can knock you. For me I stayed it’s almost 5 years since I found out we have now been married for 39 years. 33 years were happy honest and loving. Now it is very different my main priority is me then our two grown up children he is way down the list now. To be honest I am accepting it happened but not forgiving. He does not deserve my forgiveness. I forgive myself for totally believing in him then but not now. You will get stronger time helps but life will always be changed by this whether you stay or go
    Look after yourself give yourself time to process it all. You are enough it is him who is damaged not you x

  7. I found a email from an app called "dating for sex" in my husband of 8 years junk male while looking for his new licensing. I left the phone and sat down, I think I went into shock, after about a hour I showered and packed. When he asked why I was packing I told him what I found. He said it was nothing, and didn't know why he got it, promised me. I was so out of it, I said ok, I don't get these types of emails so why would he, I didn't believe it but I felt like I was in a different world. Few days later I was WTF was I thinking. I can't sleep and always have it on my mind. I keep wanting to talk to him about it but I also keep telling myself this is not the right time. It has been 3 weeks tomorrow.

  8. Hi, I am the one that cheated, yes it is very rare for the woman to cheat but it is also, possible. I feel like, I know in fact that I have done the worst thing possible to my partner. I almost tried not almost actually did cut myself in an attempt to feel pain and maybe end the suffering. It has been two days now since I confessed to my partner, confession which he had to pull out of me and he is deeply hurt and angry. I came to this page to try and find out how to mend things but then again if things should end, I totally understand, I mean I myself who trust myself nor would I forgive myself so easily, but I am willing to do whatever my partner wants.

  9. I am glad I found this page.. I will admit I snooped on hubby's tablet because of a site I saw while he and I were looking for videos. I asked him about it and got a flipent response. I just couldn't let it go.. Four days ago I uncovered my husband had been sexting and sending pictures of himself to other women. I kept digging and couldn't believe what I found. I confronted him when he got home. I'm not a violent person but never have I felt such rage in my life. At first he acted like it was not big deal as he never met them in person and it wasn't cheating. I said it is because you sought out other women and shared very intimate pictures. I feel so raw, hurt, betrayed, angry, pissed off you name it. All I keep asking myself WHY, should I stay, can I ever trust him again? I'm really struggling as I can't get those images out of my head..

    1. my goodness. our stories are IDENTICAL. He didnt physically have sex with another woman but the messages were enough for me. and of course typical responses "it didnt mean anything" "i needed attention" "i dont love myself". I went into a full blown panic attack when I found the messages. I could not stop shaking. It has only been 2 weeks for me and I am miserable and struggling with staying or leaving.
