Friday, April 12, 2019

Why I Love Betrayed Wives Club

I've been busy. Which means that I haven't been responding to comments with quite the speed that you're probably accustomed to. By the time I post my once- or twice-weekly blogs, as well as select my Wednesday Word Hug, it's time to close the window on my computer and move on to other work. But I think of you all so often. "Haven't heard from Dandelion in a while. Wonder how she is," I'll think to my. "LilyLove hasn't been posting so often, nor has LLP. Hope everything's okay with them." And, as you all know, the list of BWC members goes off. Sometimes, searching for an old post to link, I'll notice a comment from a name I haven't seen in years. I'll smile because they don't need us anymore. That's cause for joy. 
What's also cause for a deep joy in me is something else that happened this morning. I was clicking publish on the comments that didn't involve trying to scam you all into hiring hackers or spellcasters and I noticed a response to some comments I'd missed responding to on one of our Just Finding Out threads. I often miss those comments, tending to, most often, respond to comments on recent posts. The others, unfortunately, tend to get lost to time.
But Heartfelt was compelled to respond to Emily with a story of her own trauma and an assurance that everything Emily (and her spouse) were feeling was perfectly normal and also assurance that these feelings would pass. That time (and therapy) would work its magic and life would once again feel more stable. That wounds heal. That our hearts can remain open to love.
And watching this simple gesture – one heartbroken woman reaching out to a stranger via a computer screen reminding me why I continue to run this site, even as life tries to crowd it out. It's because of all of you who, over the years, helped each other heal. Lots of women who came here won't read this post because they're long gone. They're like me. Life has crowded out Betrayed Wives Club. And that's a wonderful thing. We should all hope for that day.
But that Heartfelt, who hadn't herself been here in a while, took the time to wrap another in a word hug, made me feel, yet again, so lucky to be among you. 
We all get busy. And reaching out can sometimes feel scary. Sharing our stories can make us feel vulnerable and raw. None of us is under any obligation to write anything. This site is like a buffet -- take what appeals, leave what doesn't and don't feel as though you need to bring a dish. There's plenty to go around.
But for those who have made this site part of their conversation, please know how grateful I am for the role you play. Betrayed Wives Club wouldn't work without you. There would be no buffet if, to butcher this metaphor further, there was only my single casserole sitting there growing cold. 
You all remind me, every single day, of the good that came out of my heartbreak. I confess I wasn't a huge fan of the sisterhood. Too many betrayals by too many sisters.
But you've restored my faith. You've taught me the power inherent in women helping women. We often say this is the club we never wanted to join. I can't say that anymore. Cause this club is one of the best things that's happened for me. 
As Viola Davis says above, I didn't set out to save you guys. I set out to save myself. And it was you guys who saved me. Thank-you. 


  1. I have only posted a comment on this blog once in the almost 10 months since I found out about my husband's one night stand. There have been numerous times that this Blog has provided immeasurable insight and peace of mind for me when I have felt completely lost and alone. I have not shared my husband's betrayal with anyone other than my therapist and my three adult children. None of my close friends or family know. This was my choice. It has been difficult to navigate on many days. When I open the blog, I no longer feel empty or alone. I have found it to be a safe haven, if you will, for me to read, understand and process the healing that we have been working on. My situation is far less devastating than many of the posts that I read. I am thankful for the assistance this blog has provided with keeping a perspective on the positives since D-day (yes, there are some!). I feel much relief every time that I read the blog. I appreciate all of the time and energy that you have put into this safe haven, Elle! There are not enough words to thank you for not crowding out your story altogether for those of us who are in the midst of discovery and working on our healing. Thank you!

    1. "I no longer feel empty or alone." That makes my heart swell. That's exactly what this is for. I'm glad you've found us and glad that you're beginning to share your story. We all learn from each other. Thank-you.

  2. What you have written is so honest and kind Elle. I know when I found out about my husband's past I was devastated beyond devastation. I don't even know how I found you but I was only a few months into this almost 4 year journey and I was so sure I would never see the light of day or feel joy or happiness again. With your kind, thoughtful and often times compelling responses to my posts I've learned to trust myself, find myself again, meditate, practice ongoing self-care and reach out to others on this site. I never expected this shit storm in my life after four decades of marriage and I certainly never expected to experience such trauma in my late 60's but I know I am not alone. That helps me not feel so alone at times because only a couple of people know about this and not the entire truth because it is so disgusting to me, still. I go days without thinking about betrayal now and I never expected that to happen. My life is not over but I can honestly say that this is a chapter I never expected to live with/through. Thanks for all you do. Hope your family is well. Loved hearing your voice on Samuel's podcast.

    1. Thank-you Beach Girl. For your kind words and for all you do here to reach out to others and share your own wisdom and compassion.

  3. I am another soul so thankful for your blog. It has truly been a lifeline for me. I am trying very hard to absorb all the wisdom shared and to feel strength from all who share here. I hope it is not long before I can be on the side of giving encouragement rather than feeling so desperate and needy. Today is my anniversary. My husband is working. I may have just seen a message that is another d day. I am trying to breathe and meditate to know how to respond. With my counselor, I planned to stay until my youngest graduated next year and was hoping things were getting better. I have been feeling less confident recently of our progress I am afraid to confront this because I cannot disrupt my daughter. I feel physical pain from this.

    1. Anonymous,
      Yes, breathe. Consider your next right step. And trust yourself. You are wiser than you know.

    2. I know it’s been years, but are you on the other side now? If so, what does it look like? I am also trying to figure out the next right step and my youngest daughters graduation from college just happened. It’s been 6 months since Dday and another 6 months until our next wedding anniversary. I keep having these dates in my head of “ just get through until….”

  4. Elle, <3. What a wonderful quote and yes, it’s totally fitting!! You have provided an amazing service to me the last 4 years along with all the BWs! A community like no other that saved me many days as well. On my antiversary I feel good and at peace. A journey with many complete stops, bumps and retracing of steps is finally moving forward. What an awful day 4 years ago and now there is light.

    MNmama! Welcome. I’m from the great north state as well. I understand the difficulty navigating and the alone feeling. You’ve found a great resource here to help you! I’m sorry for what you’ve endured, it’s so hard, but you sound like you’ve laid some good foundation to make it through this! Keep pushing through!

    1. Thanks for the inspiration, Heartfelt. There was just something about feeling overwhelmed and the comments piling up and seeing that you had stepped in with calm and compassion and kindness that brought tears to my eyes.

  5. Hi Elle, I can't remember how i found out this page but i am glad that i found this page.
    I've feel so lost, sad and lonely and this page kept me feel alive. I knew that i am not alone and there's a lot of people here to support me and understand me. For those who had not been through this, they will keep telling us to move on, let go but what we need the most is someone to tell us, it is ok to cry, to be sad, to grief and to let go of those emotion.
    It's only 9 months since we separated but it's a long journey for me.


    1. Lost_AA,
      I remember when you first began commenting here and your pain was visible in every word you wrote. You've come a long way in a short time. I know it still hurts but I can also tell that you're finding your footing again. I'm so glad you found us.

  6. I will never be able to express how important this site was to me early on when I discovered my husband's sexual acting out 14 months ago. It felt like the world had collapsed, and then I found a place where other women's words convinced me that I was not alone and that I was not crazy for wanting to consider rebuilding my marriage. Each post was like a hand extended out to me, and each time I read here I felt better. My life has stabilized, and that is in large part because of the support I have found among the site's amazing contributors and because of Elle's wise and comforting words. My gratitude is very deep.

  7. Elle,
    I am so grateful that you continue to maintain this site so many years after your own experience. I’m grateful also for every one of you who come here to share your story. I stumbled across this site about two months after the night where I felt like my whole world had fallen apart. In those early days, I was still experience a range of emotions that made me question whether I was crazy. Yet every time I came here, there was a voice to reassure me that I wasn’t. Often, it was you, Elle. Other times, it was one of the many amazing women who post here. You all made me feel less alone in a situation which sometimes still feels isolating because I’ve chosen not to share my story much outside of this site.
    Yesterday was the four year anniversary of that horrible night. I remembered the date, but I got through the day without tears and without anger. And while I may have sworn even two years ago that day would never come, it did. It may have even surprised me a bit. I may not post often, but I’m here regularly, reading and thinking of you all! ❤️

  8. Who stays friends for over 5 years? You do Elle. Who deducts family time to help other women? You do Elle. You are the only person who did not leave me hanging out there. You saved ME along with others on this site. Sure I went to therapy, but I screamed, cried on this site every single day for a long time. With our friendship you were able to offer me insight when I was blind. With our friendship you were able to offer me calm when I was raging about injustice. Who said it like it is even if it hurt. You again. This saved my life. It can be so helpful to hear others points of view who only have my best interest at heart, no manipulation and no hidden agenda's. Anyway thank you for persevering through all this time. Your thoughts and writing became more intense, direct and insightful after the retreat. You don't even get freakin paid because it is your calling, it is your YOU.

  9. I had my therapist one hour a week. But i had BWC 24/7 on those sleepless nights and lost days where I could not put two words together. I had you Elle and so many others who let me know that I WAS crazy in the most NORMAL sense of the word. Who could NOT feel crazy in the middle of your world SHATTERED. Who else could i tell about hysterical bonding -which is how i found you, searching for the answer to the question "why do i want to have sex with him ALL DAY now" I could not ask that question out loud, but i could write it down and read that others actually went through this. I was never alone. I still read almost daily. I don't post much anymore as there is nothing I can ever do to stop my H from ever acting out again, and i can't promise that any other spouses that act out won't either, which pisses me off to no end :o). What i DO have are boundaries firmly in place that I hold to. Not to stop him, but to protect ME. It's my job to protect me and in practicing that, I get some power. I'm not perfect. and shocker, neither is he! There are still things that I struggle to navigate, not just with him, but in LIFE. I don't always get it right. Who does? Thanks for teaching me that perfection is not the goal. Peace of mind and a plan for myself is a great start! I learned this from everyone here. I can never ever say thank you enough. Ever. But thank you.

  10. Elle my H sent me this sight, thought I could use some support. 3 therapists and 4 yrs of gut wrenching pain. I am distant from him even though I want that connection we once had. He has been on his knees many times begging me to give him time to show me how much he loves me and that he can be who I need. I would have thought 40 yrs was enough time. I tried the Give it a good try direction but there are just So many vile memories. He says he lost all rights to forgivness, respect, or for me to consider him. I disagree, he did not lose. He willing gave them up for moments of excitment/pleasure. These men are children that have to grow up. I am ashamed of my husband, son and grandson. I believe my husband exposed our son to porn when he was young. Because porn was always popping up on our computer. He denied that for a long time but now says he can't do anything unless our son approaches him for help. Ugh. Our grandson is male so all I see is another broken man coming. My husband fooled everyone. What a great guy. My girlfriends always said I was the luckiest to have someone so devoted, kind, loving and understanding etc. Wow if they only knew what he really is. He is the best actor. I am thankful that I found out in this age where there are sites like this where we can vent and be supported. I pray one day I can be positive support to someone. God is how I have survived so far but I pray everyday that I would have a heart attack and die. now I pray every night that he will be merciful and take me before morning. I would rather go during the day with clothes on but I am to the point I don't care anymore. Thank you for your site and to all the ladies on here. I told my H that judging from all the sites and women on here there is not a man that us worthy of a women. How sad.

    1. Dear Hopeful....I am seeing your post just now....your post is from over 2 1/2 years ago....I hope things are better? I am so sorry for what brought you to BWC but I am grateful we are here, as Elle refers to us, "Secret sisters" :-), and that we can safely share and support each other. I agree with you....your husband did not 'lose' anything....what were you and your marriage to him, car keys? he threw away you and your marriage. I am so sorry about the other males in your family, learning from a depraved 'role model'. There is nothing morally decent about porn, so 'depraved' is a fitting description. My wasband fooled everyone also, ME, family, friends, colleagues...and he continues to deceive the new flirting females in his life (we are separated over 2 years now). SO many wives write in on BWC, saying their husband is the best actor. Why is it there are SO many of these male actors running rampant?? Did they go to a special school for this?? because there are thousands upon thousands of them. They need to get dumped on a desert isle, just them, and they can drive each other crazy. My wasband has a mental illness, and has decided he is too smart for therapy. Yes he had a horrible broken childhood, but he dragged me through his life, as his wife, and kept many secret females on the hook to suit his whims. I am chuckling, that you would rather 'go during the day with clothes on' !! but you don't care anymore. I needed a chuckle today, thank-you ;-) but indeed, very sad that we are all here sharing about how awful our husband/wasband has been...this is very sad. My wasband (we are not yet divorced) put his needs/image management/secrets ahead of my well-being and safety. No-one gets to do that. He put me at a terrible risk in many ways and I am paying the price. I know some women re-build anew with their husbands, and I respect their choice and wish them every strength and success!! 'My heartbreak/my rules'. Be well everyone, please keep checking in!!!!



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